Boss fight x2

Sif lands on the floor agilely and puts Lut down next to Arter who immediately envelops him in a hug, ignoring the wolf saliva covering him.

Arter "Boy! What are doing here!?! The whole towns being destroyed for gods sake!" he quickly says.

Lut wipes his tears and looks Arter in the eyes, "Auntie was going to teach me how to fight, but she never came!"

Arter "Auntie!?" he asks, ignoring the fact that Sieglinde was still having to defend them from the onslaught of creatures.

Lut quickly nods, "Auntie Cia, she wears cool armor and a white mask!"

Arter "HER!? She's down the road protecting the survivors of the city, along with your mother!" he exclaims, not sure whether to be happy or angry that this person had offered to teach Lut, inadvertently putting him in danger.

Sieglinde stamps down on a vampires head, crushing it as she looks over, "Lady Ciaran is? Then we must assist her and get everyone to safety!" she says, glancing at Sif and only now noticing the fact the giant wolf was covered in blood...

The wolf turns around and walks over the blade he'd dropped in-order to catch Lut, readying it in his jaws as he prepares to go over and assist his master.

Sieglinde "Both of you take refuge without the Auction House, we'll retrieve the survivors!" she says, beginning to jog down the road, followed by Sif.

Lut "No! I want to help!" he shouts, escaping Arter's grasp and running after them.

Arter catches up and grabs Lut again, "GO WAIT IN THE BUILDING, NOW!" he roars, not giving any mercy to his Grandson who's acting almost suicidal."

Lut freezes at Arters tone, unconsciously turning around and entering the Auction House, despite his previous conviction.

Arter shakes his head and follows after the others after picking up his sword, even if he had to use his own body to protect everyone, then that's what he'd do!

Ciaran wasn't even winded even after cutting down hundreds of these creatures... It seemed that they'd finished dealing with everyone else around the city, and were coalescing on her position to try and wear her down. It was difficult, trying to defend a group of fragile and useless people against this hoard of enemies, but she was strong enough to deal with it for now...

She'd just smashed another Gargoyle when Sif, Sieglinde, and some other unknown man started leading the survivors towards the Auction House... This made it easier to protect them as she didn't have to manage every attack point, though, she could feel the restrictions Artorias sword had... It's weight and size differed from her favoured weapons and made it more difficult to deal with many smaller threats...

The large group eventually read the town hall which sat in-front of the Auction House, just as an orange portal opens up, Triss, the King of Kovir and Poviss, Roche, Ves, Crach, Hjalmar, and another man fell through it, the portal closing and leaving behind a large fleshy arm behind...

Hjalmar "Da, I'm not coming to this fuckin' continent again, mark my words!" he says from the floor, covered in wounds.

Sieglinde "Everyone! Retreat into the Auction House!" she shouts, accidentally causing a miniature riot as the survivors push and shove to get to safety... The doors of the Auction House were big, but not big enough for hundreds of people to try and get inside all at once.

Neither Ciaran or Sieglinde could manage the chaos as they were forced to defend against the creatures still wishing to dine on everyone's flesh...

Arter "EVERYONE, DON'T PUSH, GO THROUGH ORDERLY!" he shouts, but no one seems to listen to him...

"FOUND YOU!" a monstrous voice roars from the sky, drawing everyone's attention towards the two huge creatures flying above them.

Arter "What in the FUCK IS THAT!" he shouts, pointing his blade at it.

Hjalmar "Ah shit! It's that fucker tha' was chasin' us!" he groans loudly.

Ciaran glares at them, their presence alone is enough to tell her that they weren't by any means weak... "Do you dare fight me, monster?!?" she taunts, readying her great-shield and her great-sword.

"I DARE!" one roars, descending towards her like a meteorite, the beast's claws bared.


Ciaran blocks the attack and her drag along the floor as she's pushed back by the sheer impact of the strike... The cobblestone road was cracked and destroyed where the creature had landed, showing the power it'd exerted.


A lightning bolt flies past the other airborne creature, skimming its side due to the unexpected attack and causing it to fall to the earth as its muscles unwillingly convulse.

Sieglinde "I will handle the other Lady Ciaran! EN GARDE!" she shouts.

Ciaran frowns, the attacked she'd just blocked already had her arms aching... "Sif, assist that brave fool!" she commands, doubting Sieglinde could combat a foe like this alone.

"Your attempts to stop us are futile!" the beast taunts, leaping in the air and disappearing in a puff of red mist.



Ciaran's pupils contract, her insticts warning her that danger was rapidly approaching...


She spins and slashes her sword behind her, managing to hit the vampire as it reappeared and tried to swoop down and pierce her with its claws.

The vampire hits the floor, having not expected to actually be hit... Its arm below the elbow had been severed... The severed area bubbles as a new one begins forming to replace the previous. "You cannot stop us, WE ARE ETERNAL!"

Ciaran scowls under her mask, readying her sword and shield as the beast stands upright, it's wings fully extending as it freezes momentarily?

Seeing this as an opportunity to attack she dashes forwards, preparing the behead the creature... Only for it to unleash a horrific roar at her, so powerful that she's forced to block it with her shield. Those nearby cover their ears as it almost bursts their eardrums, the shockwave of the roar itself toppling over a few people and sending stone from the destroyed cobble road flying around like shrapnel.