Ciri "Rei do you really have to go alone? Surely you could take Solaire with you?" she asks as Reima rolls in shoulders in preparation to leave.
He shakes his head, "No, Solaire needs to be here in case any Elders come snooping around... Plus, I think I'll be fine. It's not like they can stop me from escaping even if I do have trouble." he explains.
Ciri slowly nods, "I know, but who knows what could happen... That thing Nalenthi spoke about is probably still out there..." she mutters.
Reima shrugs, "Probably, but what's the point of worrying about it and doing nothing... I'd rather fight it after I've dealt with everything else first to be honest."
Ciri sighs, "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asks with crossed arms.
Reima nods, "Yeah, it's really important and means a lot to me..." he says, walking closer to her and bending down to whisper into her ear.
Ciri "Rei, not here..." she mutters, blushing at the sudden close contact.
Reima "Do my paperwork." he whispers into her ear before quickly pulling away, wings bursting from his back as he leaps into the air.
Ciri glares at him in irritation and shout after him, "You're taking advantage of me!"
Reima laughs, "Makesure Alphys and Rickert finish those Prototypes, oh! And bring Yen with you to check on them!" shouts as he flies west, leaving Ciri standing there in front of the city tapping her foot in irritation.
Reima's first destination is the closest city to Ichor... Rakverelin, he'd decided to just slowly sweep across the continent and free the territories he came across from the Vampires control. He would also need to set up some sort of leadership within these places as he couldn't very well invite everyone person in the North to Ichor... Not only would it be a nightmare to build so many houses, he doubted their current food production could keep up with such an influx.
It didn't take long for Reima to reach the city of Rakverelin, following the river until he finally spotted the walls was relatively easy, though, it was obvious this place had been through much... Parts of the walls had huge scorch marks, ones that could have only been made by a Dragon, and the building within are partially collapsed, likely due to the Vampires.
The city didn't look too busy, but there were civilians walking around the streets, not to mention large monsters like Katakans and Ekimarra doing the same... It was a strange sight to behold, watching the humans fearfully skirt around the large creatures to go about their business.
There were many, many homeless as well he noted, most seemed to be children, but there was a suspicious lack of teenagers present. Perhaps they'd all been eaten?
Reima shakes his head, and slowly descends into the city, ignoring the many gazes on him as he does so... He walks up to one of the children and kneels down, "Yo, who runs this town?" he asks.
Reima sighs and pulls out a few bars of chocolate and tosses them at the kids, "Alright, now answer my question." he says.
The children still don't answer him, simply staring up at him with wide, innocent eyes. Reima shrugs and stands as a man dressed in noble clothes walks over, giving a wide smile that reveals his fangs.
"I'd appreciate if you would stop talking to my Chattle." he says.
Reima raises a brow, "Chattle?" he questions, feeling the urge to crush this guy.
The man nods, "Yes, I am Ichabod, the person currently ruling this town... I couldn't help but notice one of my fellows coming to visit unannounced."
Reima "I have no idea what you're talking about, what Fellow?"
Ichabod chuckles, "Don't be coy, regular humans don't have wings on their backs, nor do they have eyes like yours." he states.
Reima realises this person must be thinking he's a Vampire... "Er, my apologies... Brother..? I was given a message by an Elder and needed to contact whoever's in charge on this region.
Ichabod tilts his head to the side, "You must be misinformed then, our leader is Morwenna and she's current residing in that city over in the mountains... Kaer Morhen was it? I trust she'll be back soon so perhaps you won't have to wait long."
Reima sighs, he probably should have left her alive... Or, at least alive long enough to be interrogated. "Ah? That's a shame... Tell me, is there any news from whoever was supposed to capture Kaedwen?" he asks with a small smile.
Ichabod nods and leans forwards slightly as he speaks in a lowered tone, "It behooves me to say such a thing, but I suspect Elder Vasile isn't worthy of such a title... Failing such a simple task makes me want to punish him myself!" he says, his voice rising as he starts to lose his composure.
Reima grins, Vasile... The one who took Ciaran, so they are an Elder after all. "Do you know the location of Vasile? I also have a message I need to give to him."
Ichabod nods and is about to answer, but suddenly starts sniffing... "You, you're not one of us!" he exclaims, his face turning bestial as long claws appear on his fingertips. Without a second thought he lunges at Reima, trying to claw his throat in one swift strike...
Only to find that his target had disappeared... He stops moving and looks around warily, looking at his side as he hears a *thud*.
His arm had dropped to the floor, causing his eyes to widen...
His other arm...
Ichabod "Wha-What is this!" he shouts as pain suddenly starts to kick in, fortunately, he wouldn't live long enough to experience it all.
The Vampires in the area watch as Ichabod collapses to the floor like a pile of minced meat... Reima stands next to it with his Silver Sword in hand, dark red energy swirling in the other.