A New Challenger!

Vasile releases his disguise, his short brown hair shrinking and vanishing into his skull, his brown eyes flashes yellow as predatory Elder Vampire eyes form... He looks at the person he'd brainwashed as they walk into the Alleyway, slowly leading them further in so light from the main street doesn't reach them...

Vasile looks over his temporary servant, "Mortal, you are now my slave... What do your companions call you?"

"Varteand my lord." they say, eyes glazed over as they bow to Vasile.

Vasile slowly nods, "Hmm, what is your occupation?"

Varteand "Spy."


Vasile grins, revealing his fangs, "A spy? Working for this country?" he asks, hoping it wasn't one of those Nilfgaardians...

Varteand nods, "I am loyal to my King Reima Ludvig." he states, not looking as lifeless as he did to the other questions.

Vasile scowls, "What of your loyalty to ME?" he asks, using his power to exert his will over the man.

Varteand can't look away from Vasile, pain starting to wrack his mind, "Ah! I-I serve o-only you my lord, King R-Reima is secondary!" he says, holding his head to try and alleviate the pain slightly.

Vasile nods, "Good. Now! Tell me what you know of the woman known as Ciaran!"

Varteand is about to speak but is interrupted by a voice coming from further inside the alleyway...

"Heh, I did warn you didn't I?" they say, the only thing visible to Varteand in the darkness being a glowing blue eye.

Vasile "YOU AGAIN?" he growls at the skeleton who'd apparently followed him.

Sans stands into the light and shrugs, "I would have come sooner, but everyone else bombed on stage after you... Not just your jokes are funny, you're looking pretty funny too." he says, gesturing towards Vasile's glowing yellow eyes with black sclara.

Vasile "I wasn't going to kill you, all bones with no blood... But you've forced my hand!" he says, looking to Varteand, "KILL IT!"

Varteand quickly nods, "Yes my lord!", retrieves a dagger from some hidden place and starts sprinting towards Sans. The spy was perfectly capable of combat, even if Chaos Servants and Prospects outclassed him in every way, however, he'd still been trained by the best fighters the continent had to offer...

He leaps and brings the dagger down towards Sans skull, hoping to pierce it and kill the monster... Only for Sans to throw a bone at him with a determined expression...


Varteand and Vasile look at the floor where the bone was now lying... The bone had hit the spy in the face and bounced off, doing literally no damage whatsoever, in-fact it did more damage to their psyche due to how pathetic the attack actually was.

Sans walks backwards where th Alleyway intersects with another, giving them a shrug, "Heh, if only my brother were here, he's much more of a fighter than I ever was." he says, walking out of view into the other alleyway.

Vasile "SEIZE HIM, DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!" he shouts, not wishing to dirty his hands on this apparently pathetic being.

Varteand nods, sprinting into the alleyway where Sans had entered but not spotting him... He figures the skeleton must've run further into it, and doubted its stubby legs could run faster than he could.

Vasile watches as his servant leaves, slowly walking towards the intersection... But stopping when he sees something odd.

Sans walks out from the opposite direction to where he'd walked, as if he'd teleported to the other side. "... Eh, this wasn't my stop... I'm quite a bone head aren't I?" he says, looking away from Vasile as a *Du-Du-Chee* comes from somewhere the Vampire wasn't able to locate...

Vasile "So you've returned to meet your maker?" he says, deciding to show this whelp his true form before he tore it to pieces.

Sans watches as the Vampire falls to his knees, his flesh bubbling and expanding until he transforms into a horrific monster. "Hey, bud? You're looking a bit blue." he says, raising his hand as his eye flashes yellow, a blue aura surrounding Vasile...


*Cue Megalovania*

Vasile looks up from his half-transformed state and growls out in a distorted voice, "W-what is this!?" as he's effortlessly lifted into the air by Sans.

Sans "Didn't think I'd have to do this again, I guess the "Stakes" are too high." he says, lowering his hand, causing Vasile to shoot towards the floor at quick speeds, sharp bones erupting from the ground in-order to intercept him.

Vasile roars and struggles to get this blue aura to release him, to no avail. His wings rapidly flap upon the discovery, allowing him to redirect himself out of the path of the bones. The attack isn't over however, he starts falling sideways towards the alleyway building, more bones erupting from there too!

The strange attack was too sudden which allows Vasile to get scratched by one of the bones, the Vampire quickly dashing backwards as the blue aura wears off to look at his injury... The pain coming from it not feeling like anything he'd experienced before.

The monstrous Vampire looks down at his arm, noticing the wound that should have already healed was smoking with a blue aura covering it... Far from healing, it seemed to be opening up on itself, getting worse. "What is this? WHO ARE YOU?!" he roars, causing the nearby buildings to tremble.

Sans shrugs again, "Just your friendly neighborhood skeleton, as to what "This" is? Well, you'll just have to find out." he says with a wink as strange things appear behind him... They'd resemble a small dragons skull were it not for their glowing eyes similar to Sans and the whispy energy escaping their currently closed maws.

Vasile had clearly had enough of this fool, launching himself at Sans faster than most Superhumans could see... His claws pass through the skeleton which has the Vampire grin in victory, looking down at what should be a pile of shattered bones... Only to find Sans stepping backwards awkwardly, as if he was about to fall over, one of his slippers falling off...