Gaunt Gaunter getting gouged by gouts of flame

Reima had just engaged Gaunter O'Dimm in combat and was already having difficulties dealing with him... It wasn't that the creature was strong, no, it was the fact he couldn't seem to catch him. Even when he's using his Observation Haki, teleportation, and speed to their limits, he still couldn't seem to catch him.

Gaunter O'Dimm himself hadn't actually attacked yet, causing Reima's nerves to fray the more time his opponent goes without making a move...

Gaunter O'Dimm "What's wrong "King"? Can't comprehend being helpless in the face of something greater than yourself? It's ironic isn't it? Experiencing how you make other mortal men feel?..." he says in a tone that reveals no exertion at all.

Reima "Helpelss? Says the person running from me! Why don't you fight instead of fleeing like a coward!?" he shouts, blinking behind him and stabbing his blade into the place where Gaunter had just been, glancing to the side at where he'd just reappeared.

Gaunter chuckles, "You want me to act? Very well..." he gestures to the sky where a meteorite could be seen falling towards them. "I wonder how you'll deal with this? Be careful, your woman is still fighting below us." he adds ominously.

Reima scowls, ignoring Gaunter and teleporting next to the meteorite while conjuring the gravitational Elder Blood spell he and Ciri had learned from Avalach's journal. He uses his aura to suck all the heat away from the meteorite before throwing the turquoise orb into it...


Once the spell activates the metorites surface being cracking all over as the stone comprising it starts getting compressed... The previously huge meteorite in a matter of seconds was reduced to the size of a large boulder, which was just small enough for Reima to fit into a portal.

The portal lead to the Harry Potter world and the boulder flew through it at crazy speeds before hitting the planet... It hadn't lost any weight from the compression, and the damage it'd cause had actually increased due to it. Reima shut the portal before it actually collided with the planet, but needless to say, if there had been anything that'd survived the nuclear warheads, it was definitely dead now.

Gaunter appears next to Reima and casually walks side to side mid-air with his hands behind his back, "Well done... However, I'd like to see you do that again... Only, better!" he says, gesturing towards the sky where 10 meteorites could be seen.

Reima stabs at Gaunter but the man disappears again, "You fucking cunt! You better not let me catch you, or I'LL TEAR YOUR SPINE OUT THROUGH YOUR MOUTH!" he roars, channeling his aura into his hand with Armament Haki before blinking next to the first meteorite and punching it.


Molten cracks spreads across it as the metoerite immediately begins glowing red hot, after a moment the meteorite completely explodes into molten lumps of magma that begin to rain down on the surface.

He blinks next to the others and does the same, ignoring the ache in his muscles from the constant exertion. In a matter of moments, all that was left of the meteorites were a rain of magma which Reima aborbs to regain some energy back.

When Gaunter appears in-front of him against Reima blasts the demon with a soul stream, but feels like self-destructing himself when man appearing behind him. "Hm, quite a unique use of magic you have there."

Reima twists around while still firing the soul stream, cutting the clouds in the sky that'd not instantly evaporated from exposure to the center of the sun in half.

Gaunter clicks his tongue at Reima after dodging his attack which only infuriates him further. Reima uses the Elder Blood Telekinesis to grab ahold of the demon, and is intrigued to find his body beginning to release plume of red and black smoke in response to it.

Gaunter growls at him, "You'd better stop before I get serious, "KING" Reima." he states, but Reima ignores him, using his telekinesis to try and crush Gaunter, causing more smoke to escape from his body.

Reima "I've found your weakness, you aren't running away this time!" he shouts, slamming his hands together to enforce his will further... The telekinesis seems to work and Reima watches as Gaunter rib catch literally implodes, his ribs piercing his internal organs and then out of his back, causing blood to splatter.

Reima had thought that this was the end of the battle as he put his hands together to make a crushing motions... Only for Gaunter to release a monstrous roar and explode with red energy that comes out of his body like a tsunami. It fills the sky and almost turns the entirety of it red from the sheer quantity alone.

Gaunter O'Dimm "I've played with you enough! YOU WILL KNOW WHY ALL WHO KNOW MY NAME PERISH, AND WHY PEOPLE WHISPER STORIES OF MASTER MIRROR AMONGST THEMSELVES IN FEAR!" he exclaims, holding his hands out and causing red energy to slowly starts expanding across the horizon.

Reima tries to blast him with barrage of Chaos Flames but scowls when it spots that they'd been frozen in time, he changes his tac and pushes Elder Blood Magic within them, their time resumes as they blast full speed towards Gaunter, forcing him to dodge and disrupting whatever spell he was attempting to cast.

Gaunter O'Dimm "It's too late! I AM GOD HERE!" he shout, as clouds start gathering out of nowhere and crackling with red lightning.

Reima "Shit, where's Solaire when you need him!" he exclaims as lighting begins to shoot towards him, it isn't like natural lightning, however! When it misses it follows him, forcing him to constantly move to dodge the thousands of bolts that explode from the clouds.