
Indeed, the city seemed incredibly lively, almost too much so. None of the outside ground had ever seen such a spectacle outside of festivals and similar events.

One thing that struck Mathias and Barnock was the multitude of strange races that seemed to be completely ignored... Down at the bar they could see a human laughing and clinking glasses with what looked like a humanoid-rabbit. It was a strange sight for the duo who'd spent their lives fighting against murderous monsters and brutal races that saw no rhyme or reason.

Mathias "What are those beings down there?" he asks, pointing to a group of Monsters walking down the streets talking about where they wanted to eat.

Nerissa "Ah? Just some monsters, why?"

Mathias "Well, I've never seen anything like it..."

Nerissa "Monsters?"

Mathias shakes his head, "No, the lack of conflict between the two." he explains.

Nerissa nods, "Ah, it's due to my father's strict rules on discrimination and racism... Committing a hate crime results in an immediate public execution, though, we've not seen anyone do such at thing after the first hundred of so hangings." she says.

Mathias "Is the public not worried about the misuse of such arbitrary laws?" he asks, knowing that corruption could spread through any government, even if they at first had the best of intentions.

Nerissa "Well, when you have access to truth serum and leaders who're functionally immortal, it's difficult to argue against them. Afterall, if the rules work, why try "fixing" them?"

Jerma "In the past there was a religion called the Eternal Fire that'd liberally burn magic users and non-humans to death... I think I prefer these rules compared to what was previously in-place." she adds.

Mathias "Shall we go see this Priminster then? We can relax after we've solved the issues at hand." he says, wishing to explore this city of wonders once he was sure Leah and Tyrael are safe.

Nerissa nods and touches her pedant, a moment later a portal opening up beside them. "Follow me." she says, walking through.

The others do as they're told and follow their guide through the portal, leading them to a luxurious looking office.

The room is covered in fineries, however strangely there seemed to be a kitchen in one corner, and many flower pots filled with Buttercups. They look to a desk positioned by the windows and some-sort of large white-furred thing sitting behind it...

They're all surprised when the "thing" smiles at Nerissa and greets her, "Hm? Hello little one, do you need something of me?" he asks gently in a baritone voice.

Nerissa returns the smile, "It's good to see you Asgore, and yes I do have something I'd like to look into."

Asgore nods, "Hinky? Could you perhaps bring some seats for my friends?" he asks empty space as he stands.

A popping sound causes Jerma and Lennon to jump in surprise as a few comfortable looking seats appear in the room facing the desk.

Asgore gestures to the chairs as he activates the magical runes that immediately create boiling water, "Take a seat, I'll be with you in a moment." he says.

Nerissa crosses her arms, "When will you stop referring to me as "Little one" Asgore?" she asks with a fake pout.

Asgore chuckles, "You may dislike it, but I'd wager that almost everyone I know thinks of you as their little sister. It feels like almost yesterday you were that awkward little girl who was scared of Geralt." he says with an almost blinding smile, something that looked kind of weird to the others due to his goat-like features. "Regardless of anything that may happen, you will always be our "Little one" to me." he adds as he places the prepared cups of tea on a tray and offers to everyone.

Upon being presented with the tea they find it almost impossible to refuse, the friendly monsters seemed to radiate a "Warm Grandpa" aura, that'd make them feel bad if they refused.

Asgore finally sits back down and looks at them all as they sip their tea, "Is the tea to your liking?"

Mathias nods, "It is, but I'm sorry to say there are more important matters that need to be addressed." he states.

Asgore nods, "I see, well, what can I help you with?"

Mathias "We were hoping to find out if you'd received any news of people falling from the sky?"


Asgore gives him a strange look, "Are you perhaps searching for Harpies or suicide victims?" he asks.

Mathias shakes his head, "No... There was an incident that had lead to me and my companions falling from the sky in random locations, the people I'm searching for is a black man named Tyrael, and two women by the names of Leah, and Adria." he says, going on to describe their appearances.

Asgore strokes his beard and nods, "Unfortunatly, I've received no word of people falling from the sky, nor anyone of note that matches the people you've described..."

Mathias sighs, "That's... Not good." he mutters.

Barnock "We'll have to scour the earth to find them... I doubt Leah will last that long with Adria."

Asgore "There are a couple solutions I can think of from the top of my head..." he adds after a moment, "The Arch-Mage has many ways to locate people, though, the more precise ones need blood, hair, or had personally met them."

Nerissa nods, "Depending on how far they are, there are a number of spells that could be used... Could you arrange a meeting with him Asgore? I understand that he's quite busy with teaching and spell-crafting."

Asgore nods, "I'll have it arranged, Hinky will take you to him tomorrow... Be well-dressed and ready as I've no idea when he'll be available." he says.

They nod and Nerissa stands, "Thank you for your help, I'll be taking them to some temporary accommodation."

Asgore "No need for thanks Little one, having a cup of tea with a friend is reward enough." he says with a smile as they leave through another portal.