
Mathias and Barnock helped carry the children back into the courtyard where they'd eventually be given back to their families. Bartosz thanked them and offered a reward for their help, but they refused while stating they hadn't done it for the money.

Priscilla stuck by them as they left the manor and headed back to their Inn where Jerma and Lennon should still be waiting. Once they'd met up and explained what'd happened the group collected their horses before Priscilla opened a portal back to Ichor.

It was fortunately big enough for them to ride their horses through, even if the animals were slightly uncomfortable with stepping through the portal itself.

Once again, they were within Ichor, and Tyrael was astounded by it... "T-this place... It's more powerful than both Heaven and Hell... How is this possible?" he mutters.

Priscilla accidentally shows a smug smile before stifling it, "Many of the most magical places in this world are channeled here, and with so many magically powerful being residing within Ichor, their magic adds to the rest." she says.

Tyrael nods, "I see, I suppose the techniques for channeling so much magic are restricted?"

Priscilla shakes her head, "No, not restricted, forgotten." she explains.

Tyrael "That's for the best I think, if misused you'd likely be able to suck the planet dry of its magic... I'd fear the consequences if that were to happen."

Priscilla leads the group towards a large building that was covered in more gold and finery than the others, it looked like a temple but didn't seem to have the priests and adherents you'd usually spot around it.

Mathias also noted how religiously the people they passed looked at Priscilla. It was as if they'd just seen a god and were sending their prayers towards her, though, it could just be his mind playing tricks on him... He had been slightly frazzled ever since he'd heard what Tyrael had said about Leah. Honestly, he loved her, but it seems his feelings would now go on unrequited. If even the Angel of Justice thought it was doomed, who was he to say otherwise?

Another thing that bothered him was the fact they'd not seen hide nor hair of El'druin, Tyrael's sword... If Diablo got his hands on it who knows what the demon would be able to do. The blade was purportedly able to cut through anything, however, it was rumoured to be unable to harm beings with righteous intent, even if they intend to commit genocide to save a few. That was the only thing stopping him from immediately dropping everything and asking the Arch-Mage to try and locate the blade.

Eventually, the got to the entrance of the building and put away their horses, Priscilla had said that this was some sort of courthouse, Mathias himself couldn't see any resemblance to his own worlds courthouses but perhaps the culture here was different?

There were many, many people gathered out in front, and it was only when Priscilla made herself known were they allowed to pass.

They entered into a lobby, and then into a long, long hallway that was covered in magical-feeling suits of armour, likely made as additional security if Matias had to guess. The group stopped before a set of huge gold inscribed heavy wooden doors that felt heavily enchanted. A Prospect had been started in front of it silently, not moving an inch. They turn their head towards Priscilla and nod at her, "Lady Priscilla, what can I do for you?"

Priscilla "Is Rei inside?" she asks.

The Prospect nods, "The trial of Phillipa Eilhart is currently in session. I can allow you through but you'll have to follow the rules until it's over." they turn to the rest of the group, "That means not uttering a sound, or moving from your designated seat."

Mathias nods, "I'll remember to do just that, as will my friends." he says, gesturing at them and receiving acknowledgments.

"Don't just remember, ingrave it into your mind, the consequences for breaching protocol are severe, especially when concerning a person of priority." they state before turning and channeling some sort of energy into the door. It flashes briefly and starts to slowly open, it produces no sound and doesn't draw the attention of those already inside luckily. Priscilla leads them in and seats them in the back row of the courtroom... Many comfortable seats had been placed back here, behind two desks facing what looks like a throne.

In front of each desk was two people, Mathias recognised the severely burned Phillipa covered in bandages on one side, a beautiful black-haired woman with violet eyes and fine black clothing standing next to her.

On the other side was Solaire, standing alone proudly facing the people sitting in the throne...

Mathias breath hitched in his throat when he laid his eyes upon them... They sat casually slouched in their chair, fine acromentula silk robes draped over their muscular body that seemed to radiant power... Their hair was white and they are almost luminescent turquoise eyes, along with a scar traveling from his right cheek to just under his right ear, they didn't look a day older than twenty.

The man also had a strange and ominous weapon propped onto the side of his throne, it looked like rotten and gnarled wood, but the top of it was shaped into an axe head... Mathias got the distinct feeling that even Diablo would tremble before it.

Next to the throne sat a woman in a slightly small seat that looked like his sister, similar white hair and turquoise eyes, scar across her cheek... The only thing markedly different was the smug smile on her face, contrasting the scowl fixing the man's expression.

Additionally, there didn't seem to be any other people in the courtroom, which surprised Mathias due to the severity of the crime, you'd at least prepare security in case the condemned attempted a last-ditch attempt at escaping. Though, with Solaire and Priscilla present, he didn't think they were wrong to assume it was safe.