
Reima "Ok, then what do you propose I do about Diablo?" he asks, curious to see what the Former-Angel expected of him.

Tyrael "If I were honest, it is not your duty to confront them, it was my own negligence and pride that allowed Adria to take control of the Black Soul Stone and revive Diablo. I am not confident in our odds of victory however, so I'd be eternally grateful if you were to lend us your aid." he explains.

Reima "No." he abruptly states absolutely.



"WHHAAAAT!?" Mathias and Barnock both exclaim in surprise.

Tyreal's eyes widen and he coughs into his hand, "Excuse me, I must've misspoke. What I meant to say was, if we fail, everyone will die and the world will probably be destroyed.


Reima smirks, "I wonder why you didn't say that in the first place?"

Tyrael "I'll not lie, I was expected at least a modicum of sympathy from you... Refusing to help against a threat that could potentially destroy everyone you know and love didn't cross my mind."

Reima shrugs, "Are all Angels as arrogant as you?" he wonders aloud.

Tyrael bites his lip to stop his reactionary retort, "Unfortunately, most are."


The woman at Reima side finally speaks up after being silent this whole time, "Come on Rei, look how desperate they are."

Reima "Desperation doesn't equate to need Ciri, even if they fail we'll be alright in the end." he says.

Mathias "How could you know that? You've never met or fought against Diablo, or even an inhabitant from our world before... For all you know a simple grunt could level this city."

Reima slowly nods, "You're correct in that I don't know, but throughout all the universes, Human's are usually the weakest of the bunch... Being able to destroy armies of humans is, while impressive to some, still not that powerful. Not to mention I've fought a demon that could stop time and grant wishes and came out victorious. I doubt this "Diablo" is capable of any of those feats."

Mathias grits his teeth and scowls, his hands tightly gripped into fists as his magic flares... Tyrael sends a cautionary look, warning him that it'd not be a good idea to attack the ruler of an Empire inside said Empires territory.

Eventually, his roiling emotions subside... He steps forwards and drops to his knees, placing his forehead on the floor. "Please, I beg you... Help me save Leah, I will do anything, my life will be yours if you grant me this one thing." he says, shocking Barnock and Tyrael as they'd never seen him doing anything like this before.

Reima "Oooh? Who's Leah? Perhaps you've forgotten to inform me of something?"

Tyrael "Leah is a young woman who's currently being possessed by Diablo... I doubt she'll survive even if he's defeated..." he mutters in a sorrowful tone.

Reima sighs, glancing at Ciri before eventually deciding something... "Fine. I will grant you assistance." he states.

Mathias lifts his head and looks at Reima gratefully, however, it's short-lived.

Reima "I won't directly intervene, I will however send some people that will prove invaluable in your battle against Diablo... "Hinky? Retrieve those two from Quelaag, she's probably had enough of babysitting for the day." he says, confusing those listening.

A moment later, the sound of a *Pop* signals the arrival of the short House Elf, and two other people of similar height...

"Dad?" a young girl of around 7 yearsold asks while dashing to him. She hops onto his lap and looks up at him with a mischievous look. She stood at around 4.2ft, had short white hair with turquoise eyes that mirrored Reima and Ciri's appearances, and wore tight leather trousers, a loose blouse, with a relatively large longsword strapped to her back.

Reima "Yes Selina?" he asks with a gentle smile.

Selina looks to Ciri and grins, "I saw dad going on a date with another mummy yesterday."


Ciri "Is that so... Dear?" she asks with a smile that promises nothing but pain.

Reima lifts Selina up slightly and smacks her bum, "You keep telling lies and I'll get your grandmother to spank you next!" he says, causing the little girl to giggle and try to escape his arms.

The other little girl who'd arrived with Hinky walks over to Ciri, her black hair with white strands goes down to her shoulder blades, and obscures her turquoise eyes slightly. She wears a dark crimson dress with dark red flames lighting the bottom hem of it. "I'm sorry that Selina keeps playing pranks..."

Ciri ruffles her hair, "Don't worry about it Quennie, it's not your responsibility to keep her in line. You're the younger sister after all."


Mathias "My apologies for interrupting you but... Where are the warriors you called to help us?"


Reima grins, "I see you must have problems with your vision." he jokes before turning his attention to the two children, "Girls, introduce yourselves to our guests."

Selina hops off Reima laps, happy to finally escape his grasp, straightening her back before addressing the group. "I am Selina Ludvig firstborn Princess to Reima Ludvig and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, and heir to the Holy Empire" she states as if she'd practised it a thousand times.

Ciri gives a little clap behind her, causing the young girl to smile before concealing it again.

Quennie steps forwards hesitantly, "I am Quennie Ludvig, secondborn princess to Reima Ludvig and Quelaag of Izalith." she says, Ciri clapping again for her.


Mathias "And... Do you intend for us to take your daughters to fight Diablo?" he asks hesitantly, wondering if this King wanted his daughters dead for some reason.

Reima nods, "I believe it's time for them to get some experience in... There are no more threats in this world that are their level, and I believe this "Diablo" will prove a big enough challenge to them for it to be of value."