The next day the group reconvenes in their inn, Mathias sitting Jerma and Lennon down with a look. He sits opposite them and nods at Barnock who was sipping on his morning ale...
Mathias "I need to apologise to you both." he says ambiguously.
Lennon "W-why?"
Jerma shrugs, "You already know why dear. We're not strong enough to enter the Dragon Mountains, especially since they'll be fighting that Demon Lord Diablo." she explains in a calm voice.
Mathias nods, "I know you were looking for some sort of adventure, unfortunately, I'm not in the business of allowing innocents to die, add to the fact I regard you as friends and you'll hopefully understand why I'll not allow you to come with us."
Lennon "I-I think that's o-ok?" he look to Jerma questioningly.
Jerma gives a tired sigh and nods, "There's not all that much I can do to change your mind... Our journey wasn't for nothing though. You led us to Ichor, a place I'd only dreamed of seeing in the past, and now we'll have many more opportunities to improve ourselves and our living standards."
Barnock chuckles, "It's good to be ambitious, just remember not to step on any toes while your ascending." he says before taking another swig.
Mathias "When we get back we'll have a round of drinks on me... assuming we survive of course." he jokes semi-sarcastically before looking at the door where a Prospect had just entered. "Looks like our watcher has come." he says, tossing a few gold coins onto the table and shaking both Lennon and Jerma's hands.
The Prospect looks around the room for a moment, "Where's the Angel?" he asks.
Mathias shrugs, "Probably in his room polishing his sword."
"Is that innuendo or is he literally just polishing his sword? I'd like to know before I attempt to contact him." the Prospect states seriously.
Barnock erupts into laughter at their words, he wasn't the only one either, Lennon was struggling to no chuckle and Jerma couldn't help the upturn at the sides of her lips.
Mathias, the only one who didn't lose their composure nods, "I believe it's the latter, I find it unlikely that an Angel, the embodiment of purity and good would be Choking His Chicken-"
Barnock "AHAHAHAHA! Choking his chicken! Haven't 'eard of that one before! Hahahaha!"
The Prospect shakes their head, wondering why he'd been assigned to these idiots, aswell as why the God King had allowed his children to leave with them. Regardless, it wasn't his job to judge, or question his orders, instead just trodding up the stairs towards Tyrael's room.
Eventually, Barnock, Tyrael, and Mathias were led out of the Inn by the Prospect who pulls out what looks like a shopping list as he turns to them.
"My lord has created a list of things that you may need, and will be given should you lack them... Is this acceptable to you?"
Barnock shrugs, "Free stuff? Of course!" he exclaims, getting a glance from Mathias and Tyrael.
The Prospect tosses the group some spare lists so that can read it themselves.
Mathias "Weapons, armour, supplies, potions, bombs?" he asks questioningly.
They nod, "Bombs are sometimes very important in missions, they come in every variety and are used for all manner of things, from non-lethally disbursing crowds of civilians, to revealing invisible enemies, or even closing unwanted portals."
Mathias "Hm, sounds useful."
Tyrael "I think we shouldn't let small things like this distract us, Diablo is strong to be defeated by mere bombs. We should focus on our own individual strengths if we are going to get out of this alive and victorious."
The Prospect nods, "We agree with you completely, which is why we've give you access to our potions catalog." he says, tossing a huge book at them.
Tyrael catches it and opens a random page, his eyes bulging when he sees it, "I-Is this real?" he says, displaying the page he'd been stunned by.
"Oh these? Optimised Petri's Philter, a potion that can raise the drinkers magically capabilities by 30%? Or do you mean this?" he points to another below it, "Optimised Thunderbolt, a potion that increases its user's physical abilities 40%?" he asks, with an air of smug arrogance around him.
Tyrael "I-I had not idea potions could have such effects... The only ones we have in our original world are based on healing and mana generation."
The Prospect nods, "We have many Master Alchemists constantly improving the art, you may not know this, but in the past only Witchers were able to take such potions due to the toxins contained within them... I'm not sure how they got past this issue, but all the praise goes to Lady Quelina, the greatest Alchemist to bless these lands."
Mathias "I'm sure we'd all like to meet this person in the future, but we are limited on time... Let's get the items on the list and head off." he says, hoping that Diablo has simply been scouting this mysterious world.
The group immediately head towards the blacksmiths but are stunned by what they see... Hundreds of people are walking in and out of a huge building, many young men hammering steel with strange techniques none of them had witnessed before.
Barnock "Are these the Blacksmiths you were referring to?" he asks their Prospect Guide.
They shake their head, "No, these are simply the novices who're practicing the basics. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to the "base" of the Empire." he says, walking into the large building.
The hallways were larger than you'd expect for a building this size, but Mathias assumed it had something to do with the Blacksmiths, after all, he'd seen many strange and wonderful creatures in this city, it wouldn't be surprising to find a Giant or two.