Tyrael "Do not say I didn't warn you Imperius." he states as he stands above him.
Imperius "You would betray us Tyrael?" he mutters from the ground, his body refusing to allow him the strength to fight them off.
Reima "So, Tyrael... Think you could contact your brothers and sisters? I'd rather not have to fight each of them before we can get some peace and quiet around here.
Tyrael nods, "I can... Its best we bring Imperius though, you'd be furious if we just left you here." he says to his downed brother.
Tyrael shakes his head and struggles to help his brother up, the angel weighing a substantial amount due to their thick armoured plates. "Just know there such a thing as too much valour, you should know when you're outmatched, especially since Reima here defeated you with such ease."
Imperius just grumbles impetuously in response, not wishing to admit he'd been rightfully defeated by someone he considered lesser... Had he the strength, he'd start rampaging at this very moment, unfortunately, whatever this "Reima" had done to him had weakened him considerably.
Reima "So, how do we get inside? Opening the gate?"
Tyrael shakes his head, "The Diamond Gates can't be opened... All Angels possess wings, so it was purposely created this way."
Reima shrugs, "So we'll just fly up there then?"
Tyrael "I think we can, but there a barrier around the walls that prevent any non-angel from flying above them... It'd be a huge design flaw if demons could just fly over after all."
Reima "Whatever, let's just teleport behind the wall then." he says, opening yet another portal that leads behind the Diamond Gates. Tyrael and Imperius walk in while the group follows, all immediately becoming the centre of attention as they enter... Thousands of Angels looked down at them, wondering why they were here, where they'd come from, and why the Arch Angel of Valor looked so weak.
"Imperius! Tyrael!? What are you doing!" a voice shouts from above them, everyone looking over and spotting a gold armoured angel with a white hood concelaing their features, large white wings extending from their back.
Imperius "Itherael! Quickly! Eliminate these invaders!" he shouts.
Tyrael "That's enough of you Imperius. Itherael I have returned with the destroyer of the great evils!" he says, causing all angels watching to look at them in wonder... If the great evils were permanently slain, that meant that the Eternal Conflict was over...
Itherael "Your words are profound, and I am inclined to believe them from what I have seen thus far... Your disappearance along with the other Evils supports your claims. But, the Angiris Council must be convened to discuss this further. Come, we will decide whether you're to be trusted." he says, lifting his hand and causing Reima, Tyrael, Imperius, and the rest of the group to levitate and start flying towards the large golden tower.
Once they reach their destination they find that the others had apparently already been gathered. A woman clad in silver armour and a white cowl that covers the absence that should be her face. White ribbons drape her form and seem be covered in various runes. She floats and sends a welcoming gesture to them, "Greetings, I am Auriel, Archangel of Hope. It's good to see you again Tyrael."
Tyrael nods at her, "And you sister." he says before looking at the other member in the room. "Malthael? It seems you've deemed this important enough to be present for."
Malthael was the only angel they'd seen that didn't seem to fit in with the others thus far, they were entirely covered in black robes lined with black metal, their hood seemed thinner than all the others, and their wings looked like black mist sprouting from his back. On his hip, two strange sick-like shotels that emit an eerie power. "The return of my misbegotten brother would not usually be enough to gain my interest... But the strange creatures you've brought with you have, even Chalad'ar cannot comprehend them." he says, causing the Archangels to look onto the group suspiciously.
Reima "Er, what's Chalad'ar?" he asks, receiving a glare from Itherael, Malthael, and Imperius.
Auriel "Chalad'ar is the Chalice of Wisdom, it allows us to perceive the world without the usual obstacles inhibiting us... Perfect objectivity, and potential secrets about the universe." she says kindly, her disposition a lot gentler towards the group than her fellows.
Imperius pushes Tyrael off of him and walks towards the group, "Auriel, telling these creatures our secrets is in no way wise!"
Auriel smiles at him from beneath her cowl, "Stop being so pig-headed brother, we can see you've already been bested by one of them... I'm not keen to fight them, and would rather get along, especially if what Tyrael had said is true."
Malthael nods, "It should not be possible for the Great Evils to be destroyed, but their absence lends credence to your words."
Itherael "The scroll of fate doesn't speak of you all... Brother, sisters... I have something I have been withholding from you." he says immediately grabbing all of their attention, he continues, "You asked before who would be victorious in the Eternal Conflict, and I told you the Scroll did not speak of it. But, it had, the Eternal Conflict was to come to an end when Diablo stormed our gates and annihilated us completely."
Imperius "IMPOSSIBLE!" he roars at hearing the news, incensed that his brother would be saying such a thing right now.
Malthael "I had already reached such a conclusion Itherael, the demons promiannt use of the humans in the past gives them a prime position to destroy us."
Auriel looks down at Tyrael "If Diablo has been destroyed, then such an event will never come to pass."
Tyrael nods, "I can say for certain that Diablo and the other Great Evils have all been destroyed..."