Authors Review

As I said I would a few months ago, I'd be doing a personal review on how I think it went, obviously you guys are free to correct me, mention things I may have forgotten, and say your piece. This'll be based off of what I think and have gathered from the collective reviews and comments I've received throughout my time writing the book.

First of all, let's just go through the Arcs and I'll say how I think I did them :

Becoming a Witcher :

So, the first arc, first of all I'd like to say outright that I think I missed lots of opportunities on world buildings, character development, and many other things due to my wanting the MC to leave the world asap, this was partially because I didn't want to alter the future too much, I had a basic plot on how everything would go but I'd end up writing myself into a corner if the MC did something that'd massively affect the future.

If I'd fleshed out the arc a bit more than I'd most likely have something important changing, I love fanfictions but reading rehashes of the original is kind of boring in my opinion... Perhaps keeping more of the OC Witchers I'd created alive to travel and help the MC might have led to a better arc overall, eventually they'd die and provide some motivation?

All in all, the first arc was rushed and relatively ill-thought out, even if I think this was one of the better arcs in the series...

Learning martial arts in Absolver. :

The problems in this arc are readily apparent, I'd focussed more on the combat aspect of the game than the characters and world, I wanted to get across the difficulty of fighting these immortal warriors, but I'd ended up just creating fight scene, after fight scene, after fight scene.

I'd ended up scrapping a plot where the Guides hunting the MC down due to him roaming around freely in their "sacred grounds", obviously this never happened and the MC just ended up fighting constantly while making occasional acquaintances.

There were a few other things I did wrong, not explaining the Fold well enough and inexplicably giving the MC access to a "Bag of holding" in the form of his "Folded Space"

Overall impressions on this arc are "Too Much Fighting".

Chosen by DarkSouls :

Now, this one is a peculiar one to write about, I wanted to write about the MC's journal in the dark and desolate hellhole known as Lordran. This was about the time where I was considering having the MC go back and visit his homeworld (The Witcher) again, but I didn't want to create variables that his visit would include, obviously, looking back on it now I see various opportunities for plot points, but that's in the past now...

If I were to write it all again, I'd find someone to force him to stay in Lordran instead of just leaving it up in the air... The Elder Blood is supposedly unblockable, so its silly that he'd not just leave that shithole for a vacation every now and then.

This was also the beginning of a bad tendency of mine, the arc was getting long and drawn out, unimportant information was given as I'd thought it'd add to world-building, but I don't think some of it was necessary.

The power level was also a problem, with the MC absorbing the Lord Souls it destroyed any chance at him visiting lower level worlds, also making most enemies he'd encounter relatively easy to deal with.

One thing I liked about it were the characters, in the game they are relatively dull and don't have much to say, but I believe I gave them unique personalities based on their original ones, actions, and personal histories. Though, this ended up created another problem, there were too many love interests now... There wasn't really a way to avoid it if I'm honest, these immortal beings plunged into despair are saved by a mysterious and powerful being that is kind, compassionate, and willing to help any who requests it... If they lacked interest in the MC then they were either A-Sexual or not interested in men.

I think I did the best I could have done, the layout of Lordran kind of forces you into a linear story flow, so I think I did alright?

Overall impressions? "Long but Jolly journey"

Ruining Harry Potter :

Ok, this is definitely my least liked Arc... I somehow butchered one of my favourite stories by adding so much filler that it was larger than the original Philosophers stone book! I love Harry Potter, but I understand that I well and truly messed up on this... Perhaps if the arc had only been half as long and denser is actual content it would have been good, but as of now I definitely don't like it.

This was the arc where Ciri was introduced. Before I even started writing EBW I was shipping the MC and Ciri, I'd done a lot of research on her personality, history, etc, but I'd apparently made her more bitchy and selfish side more prominent than her other facets.

With the personality concrete in my mind, the character ended up pursuing one of the MC's love interests... I got many, many comments not liking this, but I'm still on the fence about it... The impressions from you guys were that the MC had been "cucked", to this day I'm struggling to understand the logic of it as I'm pretty sure that as a man you can only be cucked by another man, otherwise, as stated in Southpark, its just "Nice".

I think I like how the Vampires were integrated into the story, Harry Potter vampires are rarely explored so I thought I'd have fun with it. Of course, I needed someone to challenge the MC at the climax of the arc as Voldemort was akin to a chicken on the highway.

If I were to do it again, I'd have Fleur killed because in the Fanfiction world, having a relationship with someone once is a life sentence, and leaving it means eternal damnation... Or so I'm told.

Overall Impressions : "Suicidal Harry Potter and the Filler Blood Prince"

Returning to the Witcher :

Hm, to be honest, I'm not really sure what to think about this arc... It was the climax of the Mc's journey as he returned home with Ciri to fight off the Wild Hunt... He was now so broken that they literally couldn't cause problems for him, this was the corner I'd written myself into.

The reunion of his friends and family from various worlds was alright, I'd say it was rushed but due to the situation I couldn't very well have him sitting around having tea...

The battle of Kaer Morhen was also poorly written in my opinion, I ended up creating a contrived way of having them breach the walls via a "Golem" that was somehow not launched into the atmosphere by the MC's kick. I think logically it was a sound concept, but story-wise it was very unsatisfying to read.

Maybe if I'd had the Wild Hunt abduct creatures from other worlds to use against the MC it would have been more interesting, they could only follow where Ciri had been, but that didn't really limit anything apart from the power level of the creatures. It'd also fit with their "Otherworldly Slaver" thing.

Overall Impressions? : "Pitiable Climax."

Don't Under-estimate the Fluffs tale :

Not much to say about this arc, I intended for most people to have no idea what it was until it was blatantly obvious, I think I succeeded in that. It was weird to write about a character that was completely immune to the OP MC's power, but I think I got across how annoying and futile it'd feel.

I think I nailed the monster personalities, even if I had to put down "Goat Mom" for the good of the plot... The only thing I'd chance would be the fact Flowey hid from the MC the entire time, perhaps reuniting Asgore with Asriel would have been interesting, but obviously that's in the past now.

Overall Impressions : "Friendliness Bullets!"

Conquering the Witcher :

I think was an average Arc, some good points, some bad... Though, I remember some comments complaining that it was just "constant conflicts"... To that I'd say, yeah, it was, owning one of the most technologically and magically powerful cities in the continent would do that. The only reason the MC occasionally got a brief reprieve is because all other countries feared him.

Its hard to nail down any problems with it, aside from the fact it maybe could have been denser with less chaps? I'm not so sure though. Maybe focussing on the strengthening of Ichors inhabitants would have been interesting, learning about the various magics they were learning to do, as well as what the MC was doing to improve himself? That would have just added more chapters to it though, so *Shrugs*, meh.

The invasion of the Vampires was interesting I think? With how powerful they are and the face they'd actually infiltrated most places on the continent means they'd be able to relatively easy accomplish what I'd written. Add to the fact all the portals to their homeworld was sealed due to the White Frost being stopped and their enraged and panicked invasion of the continent makes sense... Atleast, in my mind it does.

There was a mini-arc where Nerissa was sent to Rosario Vampire to round up her education that'd been stunted for obvious reasons, I think it was interesting for you guys to read, and her subsequent powerup after devouring Alucard was cool.

Overall Impressions "I seem to have a Vampire fetish?"

Diabolic Beings :

Now, I'm not actually sure how well received this arc was as I was not really able to gather opinions on it, this was mainly due to extraneous things I'd rather not discuss, but also because I couldn't find time to skim the comments.

I know that most would be annoyed at the POV change, from MC to the Diablo characters, but I thought it'd be interesting to experience the new Witcher World from another person's eyes. After ten years the place was basically a shining utopia of peace and happiness... Some might say it'd be unrealistic, but if an immortal being with godly power and the means to provide anything anyone could ever want just intervened in our society one day, yeah, that'd be the result I think. All countries getting conquered and optimised into a larger whole that'd improve everything in the world, from food production, technology, or the general standard of living.

I think the introduction of the MC's children was alright, and all in all, I think it was a relatively good arc.

Overall Impressions : "Diablo Thot"

Epilogue :

Hm, the end of the book... I was trying to round up the story by telling you guys about what everyone had been doing, while also finishing the High Heavens arc.

I think it was alright? Its difficult to judge as a large book like this carries many expectations... Ending it on this relatively mundane scene may seem like a copout for some, but I think its fine to end it where it started.

I could have some otherwordly being invade and have it end on a cliffhanger, but that sound kinda dumb to me. The opportunities to continue the story are there, but I don't think I'll return to it.

Overall Impression : "To fate"

So yeah, I have a lot of things to improve on. I am not a perfect, or even "good" writer, and I'm constantly looking to expand my knowledge and writing. From what I can understand, the book suffered from one main thing, filler. This was probably due to my release schedule, I was forcing myself to get three chaps out a day, even if I was busy or had something else going on, this obviously led to under quality stuff being put out.

I understand my faults and will try to rectify them in future, but the most important thing is getting your guys feedback, I can't improve if I don't know what's wrong, so rip away with whatever insulting opinions you have, as its vital for me to understand what the issue is and fixing it.

I think that's all I have to say, this is my personal review on the Elder Blood Witcher. Its been fun to write for you guys, and I hope you'll stick with me for any other projects I begin.

Here's the link to my new Fanfic :

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If I've missed anything please let me know!