Prologue: The Plot

October 20, 2075

In the 85th floor of an eye-catching 90-storey skyscraper in the middle of Los Angeles, a conference of well-known tycoons who own large conglomerates with net worth's exceeding billions of dollars, was occurring. They were in a spacious room with a 30 meter table with 30 luxurious recliners.

With their success in life, pride and confidence were written in their bones. They earned wealth daily that common folk could not begin to fathom, enjoying the pleasures of money. They act indifferent towards others and disdain the incompetent.

However, at this moment, their heads bowed without letting out a sound as sweat trickled down from their foreheads. Their eyes restless as they nervously gazed towards the man at the frontmost seat opposite to the holographic screen with data regarding a proposal worth billions of dollars.

The middle aged Asian beside the screen, gulped and stiffly ended his presentation, "Sir, that is all for the proposal regarding the partnership for the new model of our Personal Flying Vehicles, Nexus Mk-II. Do you have any questions?"

This man seemed to be out of place in this type of environment. He seemed to be an amiable noble young man with a faint smile on his face. This man had dashing facial features, striking brows, stout nose, rosy lips, fair skin, and a prominent jawline that complimented his black hair in a faded haircut. His broad shoulders and lean body complimented his black suit which made him devilishly attractive and sexy.

Behind him, there was a beautiful blonde girl with an hourglass body and a cold air as though an untouchable princess and a serious looking hunk with a large yet lean physique that stood like a steel pillar at 2 meters tall.

The young man maintained his faint smile with his elbows on the chair's armrest and the fingers of his hands locked with each other, "Director Chen, are you trying to swindle Omega and besmirch its reputation?"

Director Chen panicked by the words of this young man, "Sir, I don't understand why would Nexus swindle Omega?"

The young man mildly laughed which rendered Director Chen speechless, "Haha, you think that I would not know?"

It was not just Director Chen, the other tycoons also became flustered. A man with an imposing figure immediately interjected and said, "CEO Ford, what do you mean by this?"

"CEO Park, do I really have to disclose this matter?" The young man looked at CEO Park with a knowing gaze.

"I don't understand-"

Before CEO Park could finish what he was about to say, the young man opened his mouth. "The cost of the raw materials and the cost of the manufacturing has been altered by at least 6 to 7%. This causes a significant increase in the individual costing of the finished product. Let's not mention the profit gained after mass production."

"What's more is a 1/12 of the materials used for the standard vehicle was replaced with less expensive materials which would lower durability and performance. Not to mention, the increased hazard risks which would discredit our companies if ever discovered?"

He paused for a moment as he scanned the stunned expressions of these tycoons, he smiled again and continued, "These are only a few of the faults I have discovered in this product. Want me to continue, CEO Park?"

CEO Park had a grave expression as he said, "CEO Ford, are you sure you can take responsibility for your words? All of these were already meticulously verified by your Department of Finance and Department of Engineering and Technology. Are you saying that your own company is incompetent, is that it? Without proper evidence, we could sue you for slander. THAT would besmirch the reputation of Omega!"

'Hmph, it's a good thing I was prepared and recorded the entire meeting! Since you dug your own grave, I'll gladly send you to your own death! Bribing some high ranking employees of those departments paid off. Hehe.' CEO Park thought he could daunt the young man with his threats.

But the young man simply smiled and uttered 3 words, "Check your phones."

Suddenly, simultaneous ringing reverberated from everyone's phones.

Ring Ting Ring Ting

In shock, they looked at the young man who calmly sipped his tea elegantly. They checked their phones and saw a notification "3 files have been sent in your mail!".

When they saw this, a bad premonition appeared on their minds. They all clicked on the notification almost at the same time. As the files were opened, their faces paled and their eyes widened as they scrolled the files.

As they were absorbed with their files, the young man started speaking again as he poured tea on his own cup, "In the first file, reports and financial statements of the original blueprint and adequate pricing of the entire project. In the second file, a detailed comparison of every aspect of the original model and the modified model such as performance, durability, etc..."

"What's... in the third file?" An assistant director from Nexus nervously asked.

"See for yourself." The young man meaningfully said.

"This... this... Ugh!" CEO Park shot a menacing glare and immediately opened the file. When the file loaded, he felt as if his soul left his body.

The file only contained 20 pictures, all of which were pictures of them initiating a deal with illegal traders. There were even pictures of CEO Park bribing those high ranking employees. The worst part was that in these photos all of them were seen.

"Dylan Ford!! What is this?" CEO Park's face was livid. Intense anger could be seen on his face.

The others were silent and despondent. With their experience, they immediately knew what Dylan's intentions were. They all knew that he had a spare file if he was ready to send these files to them.

"What else? Presenting grounds for negotiation." Dylan Ford calmly looked at CEO Park.

"You..!! These are not grounds for negotiation. Photo manipulation has already progressed to the point that you can not even distinguish that it is fake. This is a threat! You just want to have the longer end of the bargain. How dare you do this, Dylan Ford! Nexus won't let you get away with this!"

"CEO Park, I know that you have some kind of recording device on you. That's why you are trying to play victim, right? You thought I would not know. I have dealt with people like you for as long as I could remember."

Dylan Ford, then, lifted one hand towards the table and swiped a finger upwards in mid air where a screen popped up. He clicked a few times, and another message was sent to CEO Park. "Take a look.", he said.

CEO Park looked at him suspiciously before opening his phone once more and he saw a file named "Terms of Contract for Nexus Mk. II"and a video labeled "video1.mp4". When he saw this, he thought resentfully, 'This bastard planned all of this all along!!'

Gritting his teeth, he impatiently clicked on the video first. There he saw a scene of two men, one was a notorious illegal arms smuggler and the other person was him. The video started playing,

"Did you get 'it'?"

"I did. Where are the goods?"

"Right here."


The video was paused. Unfortunately, CEO Park's phone was not on silent mode. Their conversation resounded throughout the room which was heard by both his colleagues and the recorder he had. CEO Park was silent as he watched the video.

If this video were ever to go out, his company would be ruined. His company was now at the top of the modern automobile industry. Nexus was now in league with luxury car brands like Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, etc. He was so successful that he even made branches from Asia to here in North America.

Knowing this, he finally conceded and opened the file for the new contract which was a bit more advantageous to Omega. Then, he looked at Dylan Ford and signed the document, "You win..."

As though he knew what would happen, Dylan Ford signed the document as well without much thought and stood up as he said with that faint smile that never left his face, "Glad doing business with you, CEO Park."

The young man turned around as he ordered, "If you don't have any more concerns, I will be taking my leave. I still have a lot of things to attend to. Let's go, Alice and Jared."

"Yes, sir." The two acknowledged and followed suit.

Seeing his leaving figure, CEO Park's curiosity got the best of him. He could not help but call out, "CEO Ford, how did you get that footage?"

The man halted his steps and looked back over his shoulders and said calmly before he continued walking, "CEO Park, it's not like you're a newbie in the business world. The answer is simple. Connections."


The young businessman finally arrived at his flying limousine. He rested his feet and placed his briefcase beside him while he took off his coat.

Alice, his secretary, suddenly opened the window dividing the front seat and the passenger seat. She looked at Dylan and informed, "Sir, Mrs. Ford has already arrived at the mansion. Shall we return to the office or straight to the mansion?"

Dylan was stunned to hear that. A gentle smile appeared on his face paired with a loving gaze. His current expression paired with his princely face could steal the hearts of many if ever shown. "Sure, let's go home."

"Understood, sir." Jared nodded solemnly as he started the car.

Seeing his bodyguard's stern face, Dylan could not help but tease with a faint smile, "Jared, you should learn to relax a bit. If you are always this stiff, what's going to happen to Alice?"

"S-sir!" The cold aloof Alice was taken aback as a red flush invaded her beautiful face. She averted her gaze and pouted.

"Understood, Sir." Jared nodded with a serious face.

"Hahaha.." Dylan lightly laughed.

He reached for his phone inside his suitcase which was ringing for some time now. A call was connected through with the name [My Rose❤]. With a press to answer, he greeted with a gentle and loving voice, "Hello, my love. How are you? Is shooting the movie tiresome? And... Did you miss me?"

"Oh look at how cheeky you are. Haha. Of course, I missed you. I'm just a bit tired though. Haha." A sweet angelic voice replied heart-stirringly.

"Don't stress yourself too much, okay? Oh, right. Do you want to do something when you come back?"

"Hm, not really but I do have a surprise for you~"

"Oh really? What is it, then?"

"Then, it won't be a surprise if I tell you, you dummy! Hmph. You just have to wait when the time comes! Hehe~"

"Hahaha, okay, okay..."


In the meeting room...

In his defeat, he roared, "All of you, get the f*ck out!

The frightened directors and department heads dashed out of the conference room and left. He pinched the middle of his brows in frustration, "That bastard... I hate to admit it but he does deserve that title, "Greatest Businessman". F*ck it!!"

He looked at his phone with vengeful eyes. He grabbed it and dialed a number. After a while, the phone connected through, "About that deal, count me in."

The other side answered, "Calling me like this in the middle of the night, you must have lost to him. Hehe."

"Psh, don't act like you don't know! I know you have ears everywhere! You must have known what happened during the meeting already."

"Hahaha, you flatter me, CEO Park. I'll send you the details of the deal in a few minutes."

"Good. I'll contact you later then. Hm, why...?" Nevermind, it's not for me to meddle with." CEO Park sighed and dismissed his thoughts.

"Hahaha, CEO Park, you don't have to worry. We are partners after all. So, speak your mind out." The other side laughed and insisted.

"But it shocks me that you actually want to get rid of him. He is, after all, your sibling. So why are you bent on killing him, Dale Ford?"

..." The man on the other side did not respond.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell. I just want to kill-"

"For revenge."


"For revenge and to take back what should have been mine!" After that line, the call was ended.

CEO Park looked at his phone and laughed crazily, "Revenge, huh? HAHAHA. Good! This idiot, he's far too blinded with hatred that he does not even care what would happen afterwards. Omega will crumble from the inside and I will partake in the relics of the biggest technological company in the world. HAHAHA!!"


In an exclusive villa in the mountains of West Virginia, a tall handsome young man with blonde hair stood as he wore a loose golden silk bathrobe that revealed his robust chest and abs. He drank his wine in a golden goblet as he observed the night sky.

With a look of hate, he slammed on a document that had the writings, "DNA Results of Dylan Ford and Dale Ford" with a date, June 13, 2055 , "Big Brother? Bullshit, we're not even related! He tricked me all those years. Stealing all the limelight, making me live under his shadow! He even stole my love from me!! Rose, why did you pick that bastard over me! Why?!!"