Two Identities

In the Underworld, there are three people who are feared and respected. They are known as the Three Kings of the Underworld. 

It is a successive title usually given to the most vicious, cold hearted and most powerful people. Each of them controls different aspects of any illegal trade.

Diablo. He solely controls all human trafficking activities and all assassination/hitmen guilds in the underworld. The present Diablo is known to be a complete beast in combat that has never known defeat.

Lucifer. This king holds the power over all sorts of drugs, poisons and medicine. All holders of this title have godly medical skills that are said could cure all diseases known to man and even resuscitate a near dead man back to full health.

Hades. This title equates to complete monopoly of all illegal firearms and restricted modern technology that is yet to be publicized. 

The current holder of this title is none other than the person who is standing opposite Purple Dragon and his gang, Dylan Ford!!!

"Because of my skill. Being Hades allowed me to bring Omega to its current state in merely a decade." Dylan answered as though it was a matter of fact.

"But how?!" Purple Dragon questioned.

"I told you my secrets are deeper than what you can imagine." Dylan calmly replied as he approached the team.

However, the Robo-squad prime has already been programmed to shoot in any case of movement. 

That's why the group humanoid robots open-fired at Dylan! Their triple nozzle electric rifles that were loaded launched their electrically charged ammunition wantonly!

*Krzzzzhhh* * Tzzzzk*

"How troublesome." Dylan annoyingly said. He assumed his fighting stance and awaited the shots that seemed to be a wall that prevented any thought of retreat.

'Cloak of Death, Hell Monarch Mode!' That command seemed to have been acknowledged as red lines on the cloak that followed Dylan's skeleton appeared in an instant. The dark cracks on the bones have also started emitting blood red light!

Suddenly, he jumped to the ceiling which was 3 meters above the floor and flipped in the air as he dug his feet on the ceiling in a split second! His speed seemed to have at least triple that of his previous speed!

As he arrived at the ceiling, only four of the thirty six bullets hit his former position as the rest followed him and changed their trajectory upwards. 

Dylan suddenly surmised, ' The heat homing system still isn't perfect only with an 89% success if the target moves.'

'Cloak of Death, insulates body temperature.' With his thought, the cloak's red lines changed colors to deep blue in color.

 If one were to use a thermal imaging radar right now, one would be shocked to notice that Dylan's heat has actually disappeared!

[Hostile heat signature lost!]

After that instant assessment, he jumped down towards the Robo-Squad Prime in the same manner he reached the ceiling just a second ago. 

The robotic soldiers who were just done firing had yet to sense him and were still trying to process information about the direction of their aim.

However, Dylan was already nearing a robotic soldier. With a slide, he slipped past the robotic soldier and used it as his shield from the other eleven. 

He thought of another assessment as though he was in a test, '0.5 reaction speed? Still slower than an average human.'

[Reestablishing visual on the target]

'Daedalus, time to wake up.' Dylan inwardly uttered. 

Within Dylan's brain, there seemed to have been an imbued AI Chip which was previously inactive. But after Dylan thought of the command, the AI Chip flickered with a dim blue light as Dylan heard a young man's voice.

[Hmm... You woke me up? It's been a long time since you last used me. I thought you were turning your back on the Underworld.]

'I have no time to explain. I need to finish them off'

[ Who are we going to slaughter? Hehe.]

At this moment, the robotic soldiers were still trying to find Dylan. However, the robot with the label #5 who Dylan was hiding on turned its head with its eyes beaming red as it rediscovered its target!

It was as if this robo-squad had telepathy, the other eleven had already turned their heads as they locked on Dylan!

 As they uttered monotonously, [Target relocated! Commencing Fire!]

'A bunch of assholes who took my wife! I need to move quickly and find my wife! I need to activate the E-Trans System to do so.' Dylan grudgingly said as he also sensed the gaze of all the robots at him.

The voice seemed to have chuckled due to Dylan's words. It was almost as if it were a real life person! [Hehe, it seems like you really are in a pinch hehe. How I've missed doing this!]

The voice became more serious and robotic as it iterated, [ Activating Energy Transmutation System… Reloading data… System data + System hardware: CONNECTED…]

[E-TRANS SYSTEM: online!]

Dylan smiled as he was showered with another barrage of attacks!


His words seemed to have made sense to them. His impossible feat of elevating his business to the peak of the world could be justified. But the pressing matter was, how did he become Hades?

This was the question that they could not answer right now. This was a mystery in itself.

They have recently seen Hades before but it was only from afar. It was on the day of the 150th Beast Ranking Tournament when Diablo personally invited Lucifer and Hades.

His outfit was something that they could never forget. It was rumored that the current Hades custom made his outfit using all the latest technology at his disposal.

 They thought that it was a mere myth but who would have thought that Dylan Ford, their target, would have taken out an impeccably identical suit as King Hades!

That would mean that the Greatest Businessman was actually Hades!

This revelation caused them to remember their conversation with their king.


Two days ago, Deep within the jungles of the Amazon...

There was a considerably large clearing of land within. At least several tens of meters in size. This was probably the result of a wildfire.

 In this clearing of land, there was a fifteen meter tall stone wall that enclosed the clearing of land on all four sides.

Within there seemed to be a small town with less than a hundred of population. The buildings were all luxuriously constructed.

Its owners appeared to have quite the fortune themselves. They were all either influential mafia bosses, large syndicate leaders or subordinates to King Diablo.

There were also several buildings such as smithies and forging workshops.

 Tens of young men with diverse origins could be seen coming in and out of the small town. From their ragged attires, it could be inferred that they were undergoing survival training in the wild.

In the center of the small town, there was a mansion which was a building relatively larger than the rest with the name plate "Mansion Diablo". 

Inside, Purple Dragon and his team were kneeling on one knee with their heads bowed down.

"My King." They solemnly greeted each other.

In front of them, there was a man who exuded the aura of a savage beast and natural born tyrant. He was wearing a luxurious silk black gold robe which was unbuttoned that showed his scared upper body and ripped jeans. His ash brown long hair was like the fur of a bear. His whole body was so ripped that they felt harder than steel.

 His scarred handsome face was emanating the aura of a killing god!

This was the undisputed Underworld King of Combat, Diablo! A voice that was tuned to be the pinnacle of masculinity was soon heard, "I am sending all of you to a mission."

" A mission? Are we to infiltrate another top-secret military compound of a top-power? Russia? Or China?" Purple Dragon inquired.

"No, this mission is to kill a certain someone." Diablo replied as he called his pet, a full grown lion and caressed its mane.

"Who?" Purple Dragon wanted to determine the person that they were sent to kill. This man must be someone who possesses massive power in either the underworld or the real world.

This line of thought caused him to guess the identity of their target, 'Could it be to kill an elder of an Ancient Clan? Maybe to kill a leader of an underworld organization?'

"Dylan Ford." Diablo answered with an interested smile. While his right arm was caressing his pet, his left arm scrolled through the images on the holographic screen in front of him.

"Dylan Ford... The Greatest Businessman?!" The Purple Dragon Team blurted out at the same time.

"Indeed." Diablo affirmed.

"My apologies for questioning your orders, my King. But shouldn't this be appointed by your advisors and done by lower ranked purple beasts at most?" Purple Dragon and his team were stunned as they heard the general objective of this mission.

Diablo surprisingly laughed, "Hahaha, I understand your confusion. However, this is indeed something that I want all of you to personally carry out. I have my own reasons for doing so. If my intuition is false, then this mission could be a bit of an overkill. Though I doubt that would be the case..."

Diablo suddenly paused as he traced the horizontal scar on his left cheek and rubbed a large scar on his left shoulder.

He looked in the distance and said . "But if it were true and the target is truly related to that person, then you might face your hardest trial yet. It has been a decade after all..."


They were not able to comprehend his words then as they thought that their King must have been just feeling a little playful. 

However, with what was revealed in front of their eyes right now, they could not help but shudder. Diablo's words continued to resound in their ears..

"That's why never underestimate him and go for the kill immediately. Because you might be cursing yourselves in regret after."

They thought that they had already overestimated Dylan Ford by bringing rifles but they were sorely wrong. 

They truly wished to smack themselves earlier so that they quickly attacked along with the yellow rankers to kill Dylan.

 Now, fear crept into their hearts as they stared into their target's profile that was now akin to a devil's incarnate.

'King Diablo must have known about Dylan Ford being King Hades... But how? There seemed to be no connection to the two at all.' Purple Bull thought.

'This must be why King Diablo warned all of us about this mission and he even did it twice as a matter of fact! How idiotic have we been!' Purple Serpent followed his train of thought.

'This must be some kind of joke! How could it be possible that Asura became Hades?!' Purple Bear had a look of disbelief.

Asura was merely an apex level martial artist that is idolized by many martial artists.

However, Hades was a true tyrant feared by everyone and king of the underworld which could even cause the downfall of small countries with a single word. 

The two identities were akin to comparing a tank to a whole nation!

There was even a more pressing matter than imagining Asura as Hades! It was that the Greatest Businessman of the real world was actually King Hades of the Underworld!

The story of the Greatest Businessman was that of rag-to-riches story and is an inspiration to all and adored by many. He established many charity foundations that helped and saved many lives and his company allowed millions of people to have stable and permanent jobs.

While the terror of King Hades is known by all, especially the current inheritor who has only been in title for 10 years, he eliminated many powerful King candidates despite being the most recent addition to the list of over 100 candidates.

He destroyed three organizations who revolted and denied his coronation thereby killing tens of thousands of people. He was a person known for ruling with an iron fist with indifferent and merciless tyranny!

The two are like polar opposites of each other. One was a saint and the other a demon king! It was truly hard to imagine them being the same person!

Purple Dragon was trembling as he was struck with one realization after the other. 'So that's why he could remain calm in spite of everything that was happening to him! Because he has the Cloak of Death! The reason why he spoke King Diablo's name so casually was because they were of equal status!'

Suddenly, something did not add up, 'How did King Diablo know that Dylan Ford was Hades? No, he did not say that he was Hades…'

' He told us that he might be related to that certain someone. That someone must be Hades. But why did he say it may be your hardest challenge yet if he didn't know who Dylan Ford really was?'

It was at this moment that he saw Dylan survive yet another barrage of electric bullets! The most surprising thing was that there wasn't a trace of even a dent or scratch on the man!

Purple Dragon along with his team were so shocked that they unconsciously uttered, "Monster..."


Dylan's body was flickering with electricity as he stood up. He stretched his neck and cracked his fists. After he did, the lightning disappeared. The deep blue lines now turned yellow!

"Good!" Dylan smiled as he jumped and kicked #5 on the head. #5 seemed to have reacted and threw a punch but it was too late as Dylan was too fast in comparison!

 The force that the kick contained was so strong that the 300 kilogram robot was blown away until it reached the wall he was struck at!


'The durability of the carbon steel alloy fibers is really outstanding! My kick did not send the head flying.' Dylan seemed to be praising himself for designing such machines as he witnessed the terrifying defense of his Robo-Squad Prime!

"How is that possible?!" The purple rankers were all trembling because they knew just how terrifying that kick was! 

They were all veterans of combat and underwent countless baptisms of life and death struggles. 

Due to this, they all unknowingly gained a very useful ability to gauge their opponents strength.

Although they were not certain how durable the robotic soldier was, from what they saw and heard, the kick that Dylan just threw could even wreck an entire modern tank and send it flying by several yards!

With that, they realized that these robots may also have the same defense and could also react the same way #5 did! 

That means that these robotic soldiers were even more durable as tanks and could even perform hand-to-hand combat! 

This squad would be a true killing machine in the battlefield.

But what was more terrifying was that the strength that Dylan showed just now was something that a human should have never hoped to achieve.

 This person seemed to have transformed into a true demon after he donned his own version of a Cloak of Death.

"So this is the true strength of King Hades..." Purple Bear was in a daze as he stared at the seemingly demonic profile that Dylan had. 

Dylan's figure appeared gigantic in his mind as if he could never hope to reach such dominance!