The end

The sky darkened quickly. It gradually changed its shade from light blue to orange as the sun set and finally, darkness arrived coloring the city with a beautiful black. It was the time many people preferred, especially the working class who had a hard time working their ass off during the day. It was time for family, for fun and most of all for sleep.

However, not many people were happy with the arrival of the night. One among them was Jared as well as his men. Like other people he too was fond of the night but for other reasons. He could do all the things he wanted quite boldly at night as it was easy to hide and misguide. It was his favorite time of the day. But not today.

Today, he loathed the night. His Godfather was coming to meet him along with his father and this was something he dreaded the most. He did not hate his Godfather as much as he hated his own father, but he did not like him too. The man was a nightmare even to him.