At Princep House

Now that Aria was fine and ready to be discharged, Ivy could meet the President without any worries. Joshua pulled her with him towards his car and took her home so that she could get refreshed. Though Ivy was not that interested in meeting the President, she could not evade him either as she had already promised him to be present at the Princep House. Reluctantly, she got ready for the meeting and left with Joshua who had taken in charge of being with her the entire time, in case she were to meet with troubles.

The entire time, Ivy could not help but grumble in dismay on being forced to do something she was not interested in. It was not that she did not like the President or that she was unwilling to meet him. The actual fact was that she liked to do things behind the scenes without anybody knowing about it rather than in front of everyone. Her path gave her more freedom and less speculating eyes. She was answerable to no one but herself.