Not virus but poison?

Ivy was horrified by her own assumptions. If what she thought was true, then this place was surely illegal. She now understood why the meeting was scheduled here. That was because this place was the temporary storage house for the organs before got shipped to who knows where.

To believe that Ivy was happy to be in a food package factory made her stomach churn. 'Why did I even think about eating food packed here?' She scolded herself and now her appetite had also committed suicide immediately after the realization had hit her. So, she gave up eating her sandwiches.

Just like her, even Ronnie and Kaito had lost their appetites. So, they too gave up eating the food in their hands, although it looked delicious. They handed the box back to Ivy and the girl took it back without any questions. She understood how they were feeling right now as she too was in the same condition.