What the...Theo? - Part 1

Noah, Ian and Joshua waited patiently at the airport, ignoring all the curious glances thrown at them. Being the creme da la creme of the society, it was not astonishing to find people gawking at them. It was not every day that they got to see the three men in public and that too all at once.

But nobody dared to get close to the men. The guards protecting them were fierce looking and capable of killing anyone with just a smack. Even if the possibility of them misbehaving with the general public was zero, nobody had the courage the approach the three men. All they could do was sneak glances at them repeatedly from their places.

"Will Jared fall for this trick?" Joshua questioned, his lips barely moving. Other than Noah and Ian, nobody heard him.

"He will. He has to." Noah replied with conviction and looked at his friends through his goggles. "Anyway, he knows what to do exactly. I'm sure we will fool that guy."