Updates - Part 1

Ivy's improvement in health was a matter of great joy, and the group couldn't stop smiling, especially Ivy, who was slowly starting to feel herself again. Her voice was back. Now, all that remained was to gain movement in her legs, and she would be herself.

"Is there anything we should look out for, Doctor?" Ian questioned, taking note of the important details to be considered. 

"Nothing significant. Have you booked for the physiotherapy sessions?"

"Yes, Doctor. The sessions will start from the day after tomorrow," Aria replied.

"Great. Just make sure not to over-exert yourself, Ivy. You want to get back on your feet, not collapse and hurt yourself in the process. Take it easy and slow," the doctor advised and Ivy nodded.

"I will, Doctor. Thank you so much." It felt incredible to have her voice back. So, she didn't stop speaking, making up for all the days she had become mute.

"Focus on your diet and don't compromise on your sleep."