Yanmei is Different

While in the parking lot of JKW Investments, Yeong Soon insisted that they take the normal car, saying, "Oh the limo will catch too much attention. Let's just take the car. All three of us can fit in the backseat."

Anton Yeong was about to sit in the front seat with Minsuh, for his mother and Yanmei to sit in the back when he heard her mother call out to him, "Where are you going?"

"I want us all to sit in the back. You first, my son," said Yeong Soon, gesturing for Anton to get inside the black Mercedes. She then smiled at Yanmei who was waiting for her cue and said, "You're next, Yanmei. Come on and get inside."

When Yanmei took a peek from the door, she saw Anton, crossing his legs and his hand caressing his brows. He gave her no attention and thus, her head looked down as she took a step inside. She gulped at the thought of sitting next to him, but she had no choice. Mommy Soon practically forced her inside the car.

"Woah!" Exclaimed Yanmei. She nearly fell face down on the seat, if not for Anton's strong hands, catching her by the arm.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Yeong - "

"No, that was my fault. I was in a hurry to get inside. Sorry, Anton," explained Yeong Soon, interrupting Yanmei's apology.

Using her sweet smile, Yeong Soon also apologized to Yanmei, "I'm sorry, my dear."

"So sorry about that again, Mr. Yeong, " Yanmei repeated herself, but she never got a reply. Anton only looked outside the window until their driver sped off to the road.

Anton Yeong did not know what came over his mother, coming into the office and inviting for coffee. Worst, she did not want to ride the limo. With the three of them seated on the back, he felt it was just too crowded.

He was about to complain when Yanmei was once again pushed by his mother towards him. Yanmei's hair brushed against his face, allowing him to savor the scent of her locks.

She apologized once again and as a result; she held her hair with one hand, putting it on the other side of her shoulder, exposing her pale and slender neck.

He frowned, thinking, 'Is she trying to catch my attention? No - she likes women. What am I thinking? This is all my mother's fault.'

Yanmei could not understand Yeong Soon. She continued to tell that she needed her space because of hip displacement. She said, "Sorry, it's my subconscious self telling me to move as my body needs more room."

Yanmei wondered; if Mommy Soon, needed more space, she should have let Anton sit in the front of her! Better yet, she should have allowed Anton to take the limo instead.

Arriving at the coffee shop, a block away from the office, they took the table where it was mostly private. Yanmei noticed Yeong Soon kept asking her personal questions. She knew she needed to be careful with her words, otherwise, Anton would find out she was not into girls after all.

"Yanmei, have you ever had a boyfriend?" asked Yeong Soon.

She immediately noticed Anton look at her with his light brown eyes, ready to feast on her response.

She bit her lips while trying to find the answer. She told herself, 'Technically, Bai Han was not my boyfriend.'

Despite her line of thinking, she answered, "Technically, no. My father forced an engagement on me, but thankfully it did not work out. I have been single since I could remember."

"I see, but you never had a real relationship? like you know dating - "

"No, no, Mommy Soon - "

"Haha! Did you hear that Anton? It fits perfectly well - She called me, Mommy!"

"And your point, mother is?" Anton asked with his forehead completely creased and his brows drawn together.

Yeng Soon looked at Yanmei in the eye and back to Anton saying, "Yanmei is the perfect daughter-in-law!"

"Oh my goodness! Yanmei!" Exclaimed Yeong Soon.

Yanmei literally fell off her seat. It was no wonder Mommy Soon was so accommodating. She was looking forward for her to be a daughter-in-law? She could only laugh at the idea. If only she could tell her that her son, Aton Yeong was not into women!

"Are you okay, dear?" Asked Mommy Soon.

After letting out a sigh, she said, "I'm sorry to scare you. Haha! That was humiliating. Haha! I've never - I've never fallen off a seat like that before! So much for grace!"

She kept laughing at her misfortune that tears formed in her eyes and her stomach began to hurt. The next thing she knew, Yeong Soon laughed with her. "Oh, my goodness, Yanmei. You are too funny! It's amazing how you can turn it around into. an enjoyable conversation."

Anton watched them chuckling from the other side of the table. Soon enough, he noticed Yanmei's infectious smile. In the end, he found himself grinning at her. He could not help but agree with his mother's words.

Recalling how Baek Hai-ran's heels broke during their graduation practice, a few of her friends laughed at the circumstance, but she ended up in an argument with her own classmates. Even to the point of banning them from joining the graduation ceremony.

He continued to steal glances at their direction while saying in silence, 'Yanmei is indeed different… Too bad, she is not into men.'

Yeong Soon was still at it when she noticed her son grinning. She fell silent for a second before exclaiming, "Oh my goodness! Anton can smile!"