It's Cold

It was because Yanmei looked absolutely gorgeous that Seo-jun immediately grabbed his phone and took a picture of her. He quickly sent it to Yeong Soon and said, "Oh, your mother would love this!"

"Oh, can you show me?" Asked Yanmei, also eager to see how her picture turned out.

"Girl! I can do better than that. Let me send it to you. What's your number," said Seo-jun, flaunting his girly side.

Yanmei giggled when she realized that Seo-jun was like her friend, Garry. She said, "Girl, I like you!"

Seo-jun paused and to see if Yanmei was faking it, but what he saw was pure truth. She was genuinely being friendly with him, despite his sexuality. Thus, he made it a point to befriend Yanmei, exchanging numbers and adding her in social media. "Let me just tag you on Twitter and Instagram too! There!"

They both took a few more photos and even some together, posting it again on social media, tagging Yanmei.