The Demand Letter

"How old do you think I am?" Anton asked as he looked straight into the eyes of Yanmei's father.

Xia Zihao thought it was strange that Anton was asking about his age, but he answered with all honesty, "I think Mr. Yeong, you look twenty-eight years old."

Anton nodded, satisfied to hear that he looks younger than his actual age. He acknowledged that Yanmei was right; he looked better with his hair brushed up and most parts of his face shaved.

"Am I right, Mr. Yeong?" Xia Zihao asked.

Taking a deep breath, Anton said, "Almost - Anyway, Mr. Xia, can I get you anything else?"

"Maybe just something to drink. Thank you, Mr. Yeong," said Xia Zihao.

Anton requested for juices, and more canapes form the hotel. After being served with special appetizer bites, he spoke again, "So this is all your family, Mr. Xia?"