I Like You!

The next business day, Gao Rou, Lu Fang's childhood friend accompanied Yanmei and Anton for their last site inspection. From the drive up to the location, Gao Rou kept enticing Yanmei to a conversation, even asking for her personal mobile number.

Gao Rou drove the two while Yanmei seated at the back with Anton. He said, "Do you remember at your cousin's birthday party, how Andy sang?"

"Pffft! Of course," said Yanmei while trying to hold her giggle.

"Well, Andy is getting a lot of practice now, singing lullabies," said Gao Rou before smirking.

Yanmei went laughing with Gao Rou and the two continued to talk about Xia Ting's birthday party.

Anton's eyes thinned at Gao Rou. He looked at Yanmei, who was also happily engaged in the discussion. Even if they had already drifted away from talking about Andrea, he said, "Don't talk about my sister that way."