Project Zero

When Anton got back to the car, Yanmei saw the clear worry on his face. She asked, "What's wrong, Yeong?"

He first took a deep breath before looking at her. He said, "Andy has a problem. Lu Fang is missing. His mother too, Christina Lu."

Her brows drew together at his revelation. "What? Missing? How? - Let me just call Andy."

"Don't. She is working on finding him," Anton said before changing gears. He then sped to the road, heading to the office. "I will drop you off. I'm not coming with you. I will go to the base and help Andy - I - Yanmei, if things get out of hand, I might go to where they are."

"What do you mean, Yeong? Where exactly are they?" Yanmei asked, utterly puzzled.

"Lu Fang and his mother were on a plane to the UK, but the craft never landed," explained Anton. "Li Wen is still trying to trace their whereabouts."