Surprise Trip

Yanmei could not control the tears flowing down her cheeks when she finally received a call from Anton. He told her that Andrea was already safe, but they had much work to do to ensure their enemies can no longer retaliate. 

It had been almost two weeks since they last spoke, and three weeks since they last saw each other. Hearing from him at that very moment eased her worries for his safety. 

She was in her office, turning her back from the glass wall, avoiding the curious eyes of her staff. She was holding up her phone when she asked, "Yeong, I'm so happy to hear that Andy is safe - "

"Yes, but she is still in a coma. She needs medical attention and so her foster father took her in for now," explained Anton. 

"Yanmei, we have started to expose the organizers of Project Zero. It is very important that you keep yourself safe. If possible, work from home. I don't want the enemies to come to you, knowing that I am after them."