Yanmei's Indiference

Yanmei never opened the door until the next day. She was starving. She did not have dinner last night, and it was already eight in the morning.

Anton was still sleeping in the living room so she grabbed the chance to find something to eat. She searched for the food they requested the other day, but she found them in the trash. Even the plates were in the trash, and the dining area of their hotel suite was a mess. 

She shook her head and told herself, 'glad he did not break the door.'

She suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her. She was about to run back to the bedroom, but Anton was already there. 

"You are up," he said. 

"I was hungry," said Yanmie. 

"I've canceled the flight since you did not open the door."

She just nodded and slowly walked back to the bedroom without saying more and without looking at him.

"Yanmei I -"