The Sweet Scent of Justice

Alejandro Hernandez watched in horror as his funds depleted. He switched from one account to another, and it did not take long for his fears to be realized. All of his accounts, even those he was certain no one knew about, it all had zero balance. 

His face turned ghost white while his heart throbbed faster and faster. He recognized years of hard work went down the drain.

"Sir? Mr. Hernandez? What - what's wrong?" His assistant asked with utter worry on his face. He had just felt his boss's hands cold as dead. 

"It's - it's all gone! It's all gone!" He yelled before turning to the driver. "Stop the car. I want to get off here."

"But, sir. It's dangerous! The police - "

"I don't care about the police! Something is wrong with my money! I need to make an assessment and get back to our office." Alejandro cut off his assistant as he screamed.