Apology as Exercise

It was inevitable. With Anton's anger over the doctor, he chose another obstetrician for Yanmei. Even if Yanmei's first doctor was said to be one of the best, he just did not trust her anymore. 

While Anton recognized that statistics given to the doctor were true, he just could not accept how less favorable his chances were with the same medical practitioner. Moreover, he believed his changes should be higher since he was the great Anton Yeong. 

Yanmei was released from the hospital on the same day, following an ultrasound. The results suggested she had a healthy pregnancy just like the last, only that she was experiencing morning sickness compared to the first. 

On their way home, Yanmei was silent all throughout. She gave her husband the cold shoulders, and he knew why. It was because of his outburst at the hospital, in front of the doctors. 

The entire drive, he was massaging his temples, thinking of a good way to appeal for forgiveness again.