The Man with Tattoo

"Baby," said Chan-Mi, looking at her sister. It was her first time seeing Nari face to face.

Yanmei brought her daughters together in their bedroom for a quick reunion before they both sleep for the night. She let Chan-Mi settled in bed while she carried Nari in her arms. 

Anton sat behind Chan-Mi, listening to her try to speak up. 

"Yes, Chan-Mi. This is your sister, baby Na-ri," said Yanmei. She carefully mentioned Nari's name for Chan-Mi to catch. She leaned over to kiss on Chan-Mi's forehead before encouraging her to tell her sister's name. "Na-ri."

Chan-Mi giggled with twinkling eyes and followed, "Na - wi?"

"Good job! Chan-Mi, that's close enough!" Complimented Yanmei. Chan-Mi was nearly a year old and had begun to mimic words much faster than Yanmei expected. 

Chan-Mi pointed at Nari and said, "Baby? Smo?"

Yanmei chuckled and said, "Yes, she is small, but that is fine. She is still a baby."