The Dessert Fork

Iseul and Chun-Ho were both walking back and forth outside the mansion door. They did not know how to play along with Yanmei's request. 

She had instructed the two to give Lian compliments during dinner while... in front of Ha-joon. They were expected to join them for dinner that night. 

"This is suicidal," remarked Chun-Ho. "Why is the Mrs. giving us a hard time?"

A bright idea suddenly crept into Iseul's mind. He whispered to Chun-Ho's ears, formulating a plan. 

Anton arrived first before Ha-joon. He noticed Chun-Ho and Iseul's awkward glances but dismissed it. He went straight to the dining area where his wife was already waiting. 

"Mine?" He said, pecking on Yanmei's cheek. 

Yanmei turned to kiss on his lips before gesturing him to kiss on Chan-Mi. She said, "Nari is upstairs, sleeping."

Anton also pecked on Yeong Soon's cheek before he took his seat next to Yanmei and Chan-Mi. "Where is your cousin?"