Nari's New Friend

On a Wednesday morning, Yanmei chose to take a half-day off from work. She wanted to be present, welcoming Rae Bin and Luiz to the Yeongs' mansion.

Nari had her own private teacher, conducting her primary schooling at the mansion. The teacher would stay for three hours every day during the weekday. The last half an hour was usually spent to update the caregiver of Nari's learning progress. 

Since Rae Bin was taking care of Luiz full time, he and Nari can share the teacher with Rae Bin's guidance. 

When Yanmei brought up the idea, Rae Bin agreed instantly. She also felt Luiz would do good by having another friend. Moreover, it would not only be Nari that he would meet but also Chan-Mi and also Geun. 

Rae Bin arrived, driving a sedan, pulling up the driveway when Yanmei walked out the door. 

"Rae Bin, good morning," said Yanmie, seeing her friend, getting off from the car.