Sold To Anton Yeong

"But, Daddy, I still got an A for all my subjects this first quarter," said Chan-Mi with pleading eyes.

It had been over a month since Anton found out about her quiz, receiving a low mark, yet despite having proven herself, it did not seem like he was willing to change his decision. He was convinced that there was no future for her painting. 

The father and daughter were inside JKW's CEO's office, sitting on the sofa.

After getting her report card, she asked Kael to bring her to her Daddy's office. She wanted to show off to Anton how she still got good grades and can still paint. She insisted that she will take art in college. 

She tamed the number of hours spent in her secret room and put more focus on her studies. She recognized how her father was right about managing her studies while she was still young. A good painter should still be educated and should learn how to market her own craft.