Hots For Books

"So if we offer Brazilian food, would it sell?" Nari asked while she was searching through various recipes online. "We should at least offer three kinds of specialty food. Like Indian short eats! What do you think?"

Nari was lying in her bed next to Luiz as they researched for the best kinds of food to sell on the school's foundation day. Their department was in charge of food stalls at school, and the two of them paired up for the event.

They both took up Hotel and Restaurant Management. Nari wasn't really sure of what she wanted, but she liked the idea of supporting Luiz in his dream of establishing his own restaurant. In any case, any course would still give her the chance to explore acting, Nari's second choice as a career. 

In each year they spent at the university, however, Nari became more and more appreciative of tourism and the restaurant business. She figured Luiz can continue his studies and become a chef while she would manage the restaurant.