Going After The Real Thing

"Dad, I am already twenty-five years old," reminded Nari the next day, during breakfast. She purposely sat next to Anton just for that talk. "Technically, I could live on my own. The same with sister Chan-Mi... Dad, you realize that even cousin Alexis got to live independently on her own when she was the same age as me!"

It was last year when their cousin, Alexis Lu, lived in Korea to be more autonomous, and with the guidance of Anton; she was allowed to have a place of her own, even working as an assistant. 

What happened next was beyond what they expect. Alexis wound up having a relationship with her supposed boss' son! It freaked Anton at first and Alexis wound up in his list of relatives to protect and look over. 

It was exactly because Chan-Mi kept comparing her freedom to that of Alexis that Anton allowed Chan-Mi to go to Italy with Salvi. The trip was meant for an entire two months.