God Job, Ara!

"Awww! Look at that! She is yawning! Her lips are so cute!" Exclaimed Yanmei while looking at Amelia. 

"Oh, they are both awake," said Anton. "Look at their eyes, mine. They are both looking at me."

"You know what they are saying? That's a fine granddad and grandmom we have there," suggested Anton. 

Both of them wound up laughing at Anton's suggestion. 

"Mine, you realize they are just almost a month old. I'm not even sure if they can see already considering they are born a little premature," said mine before giggling. 

With a frown, he objected, "Well, they have my genes. Their development should be fast. The next thing you know, they are talking!"

On one fine weekend, on a bright and sunny day at the Yeongs' mansion, Anton and Yanmei took the twins out for their daily sun exposure by the garden at seven in the morning. While they were at it, they took the chance to adore Amelia's and Ava's cute little faces and their expressions.