Find Luiz

From the police station in Florence, Italy, Anton and Hanxi had been going through the files and video footage since Luiz's left his apartment. 

Anton had commissioned the police force, adding to their finding in order to get their aid in securing every camera from the surrounding area.

They mean to find Luiz in no time!

"Here is the video of Luiz trying to hail a cab," said Hanxi, pointing to one monitor. 

"Yes, but later on, the buss covered Luiz's view," said one police officer, pointing to another screen. "So we don't really know if Luiz took the taxi or the bus!"

A hiss left Anton's lips. He had found out that the bus had met into an accident, falling into the river Arno while making its way across the city. It was a tragic accident that Anton had missed learning due to the wedding preparations. 

There were casualties, including people that remain missing, suspected to have ridden on the bus.