My Life's Worth

From the basement area of the Borelli's home, Evelina tried to scream the pain of her assault, but the duct tape around her mouth was too tight.

All she could do was cry out her anger and speak through her eyes. 

After Nari punch Evelina's face, she said, "I have to hand it to you, you almost succeeded! But you know what? Fate has a way of revealing the truth! Whoever helped you may have successfully hidden Luiz, but as you can see, the truth always prevails in the end!"

The anger inside of Nari was just too overwhelming. For many nights, she could not sleep her body, just thinking about wanting to let Evelina feel her fury. After all, Evelina did not only take the man she loved but the father of her children. 

A few feet away, Luiz was seeing everything unfold in his eyes.