8 Return

The more he studied the runes the more he realized how hopeless it would be to make a formation without first deciphering the runes. They were complicated, not like an alphabet, more like a deeper meaning complex sentences. The sheets of paper he had been given were not just the runes, but an impression of the runes. Not by any means their true meaning, but rather the most accepted interpretation of them.

"If there is no real definition how do you even know how to use them? Why would you create a symbol that you don't even know what it truly means?"

The orc woman paused for a moment before she spoke. She chose her words carefully when she finally opened her mouth. "The runes are not our creation. They are something that we found in an ancient rune. The formations that you have access to are the simplest of the formations that we have deciphered. Some of them have been made by the orcs, but most are not. The higher levels are even more complex, and the runes that would be available have a much less accurate interpretation."

Guy listened attentively to Esabel as she spoke. nodding in the proper paces. During his education in engineering he had realized that a thorough understanding of all the processes is what was needed to succeed. While he was studying the remaining four hours of time had passed, and he was forced to log out.


Guy could feel the liquid draining from the capsule. That was the first thing he experienced when he logged out of the game. Before he could even register that he couldn't see or hear he felt the liquid slowly draining away. The second thing he noticed was he had an incredible urge to urinate.

Even so his mind was already racing with the runes he had learned, and the moment he could he rushed out of the pod, dripping wet he made his way to his table and began to type out everything he could remember about the runes. Their shapes, their meanings, everything.

He knew that he did not remember it all, not even five percent of it all. However that did not deter him as he recorded everything into his laptop. He had linked his glasses a long time ago to the laptop, everything that was available on it was available on his glasses. So when he had finally recorded everything he put on his glasses and finally headed to the bathroom to relieve himself.

When he had showered and dressed he recieved a call from Daniel, which he answered.

"Dude! I've called you three times!! what has you so distracted? Nevermind! Infinite Universe is awesome! I spawned in a human controlled zone on the planet of Eribai. There was a guy that was teaching all of us swordsman the basic stances and moves of the sword. It was amazing! Even after hours of work I did not feel tired or sore. I was able to reach 1st level of basic swordsmanship in only a day. Not even half of the class could do that!"

Guy could still feel his hands cramping as Daniel went on and on about how easy the game was. Were they even playing the same game? He was exhausted. mentally and physically. His back hurt and his hands were cramping far more then they ever had during his VR college courses. Never the less he spoke as if he had experienced a similar situation.

"That sounds like a blast! I got spawned on an orc battle ship. The orcs are weird as hell. The culture seems to be ruled by the women, with men being little more than slaves. They even go as far as to castrate their men to keep them docile. And by trainer works me like a dog. The only perk is they seem to not believe in clothes, but if they caught me looking I'm pretty sure I'd end up as a eunuch."

"So you're complaining about being on a boat, In the middle of the ocean, with a bunch of basically naked women?"

"Erm well yes? Have you considered trying your skills outside of the game? I'm thinking about it? I mean it won't give us super powers or anything.. But like trying your sword skills? Should practicing the forms make you more proficient with them?"

Daniel laughed in response. "The theory had been out ever since virtual reality games have been developed. Practicing outside of the game will give you a stronger foundation as you get for familiar with the moves. However that's as far as it goes, you can study all you want or even practice.. but truthfully virtual reality is not really compatible with reality. What happens in reality does not happen in the game and visa versa. You can learn, like we did in school. You can understand the concepts, and even practice the forms. But being a master swordsman in the game doesn't make you a master swordsman in reality. What is happening there is not happening to you actual body. You understand? there is a bridge that we can't cross, at least not yet. The technology simply doesn't exist."

"But anything I learn there comes with me? For example I learned to assemble multiple types of firearms there. Even though we don't have the runic formations here I could build everything else?"

"Theoretically yes"

The conversation dragged on after that, into less relevant topics until eventually the call ended. During the call guy had been quite distracted as he was looking at the runes as they spoke. Daniel did not notice, he was quite oblivious when it comes to everything else that didn't concern himself. It was actually a pretty annoying habit, but sometimes it came in useful.

Guy used the next couple of hours to continue studying the runes before he went to sleep. Daniel might be full of energy after the dive, but his body hurt and he just needed to sleep.