25 Daniel: A Spark Of Magic 2

Following the instructions from the book, Daniel closed his eyes and cleared his mind of everything. It was a lot harder than one would imagine. The more you tried to focus on nothing, the more subtle things would happen to break him from that state. It was as if his body was rejecting the entire process.

A small itch could be felt on his ankle, without a thought he leaned over to scratch it. Just like that his meditation was broken. His mental state shattered, leaving him sitting cross legged in a room filled with rubble. He sighed to himself. This was not going to be easy. He could not help but admire the mages who managed to cast spells in combat. To be able to enter that state with all of the distractions and cast a spell... It was truly a feat worth applauding.

He sid not hesitate to enter the state of meditation again. His body once again rejected the state of meditation, sending small distractions to him. He lasted a fraction of a second longer this time around, but ultimately the result was the same.

This continued on for hours, time flew by at an unprecedented speed. Unbeknownst to him, as he was practicing meditation The sun had already set. A soft rain had began to fall, the relaxing sound of raindrops hitting the roof acted like a lullaby. He yawned as he once again entered the meditative state, the sound of rain slowly washing away the other thoughts in his mind.

In this state of peace he managed to maintain his meditation. His own exhaustion, mixed with the soothing sound of the rain caused his body to become extremely relaxed. His stomach growled, but in his mediation it felt like it had happened to someone else. The fandom itched that enveloped his body began to spread all of his body. It was like spall spiders crawling over every inch of his body. His body unconsciously shivered, sending his meditation into an uproar, but soon the soothing sound of rain once again enveloped him. His inner world once again became peaceful.

He could feel a warm energy begin to flow through his body. It flowed through each of his nerves, causing his body to twitch as it passed by. It began to flow through his blood; on a micro level the cells began to glow like embers. His body began to rise in temperature, the difference was minute a fraction of a degree at first. Slowly the heat began to gather and a bead of sweat dripped down his brow.

The bead of sweat was a catalyst, sending his inner world into turmoil. His tranquil meditation shattered as the sweat that covered his body turned into steam under the rising temperature of his body. As his meditation shattered Daniel opened his eyes. He felt tired. Normally when a person meditates they feel refreshed, But in this world, a world with magic, meditation was the catalyst to using magic. He felt physically and mentally exhausted.

He looked around the empty room, his eyes quickly noticing that nothing was out of place. His interface told him that it was almost time to log out. He did not mind leaving early, when he got back he had several things to do anyways. Before he left, he typed a message to Guy. After he had sent it he decisively hit the log out button.

The message he sent wasn't long, It just stated that he was glad to see that he was alive. More importantly he said that he would find him. He would not let his best friend suffer alone in this world.