Big bad wolf

The morning after the passionate night, Jinjing opened her eyes to find herself in the embrace of her beloved. This feeling of being loved and cherished brought a smile to her beautiful face. She felt secure with his arms wrapped around her.

Liang was hugging her like an octopus. Her head was resting on one of his hands, while the other was wrapped around her waist and his top leg was securing her legs to him. When she realized it, she could not help giggle. Imagining Liang as octopus, well it was hilarious.

Her slight movement, stirred Liang awake. Without opening his eyes, he said "good morning beautiful!"

His hand from her waist shamelessly glided to her breasts, fondling them.

Elbowing him, Jinjing said "that's enough. Let me off, I desperately need to shower."

Even though Liang, carefully cleaned her with a warm towel last night, she still felt sticky and achy. She wanted to quickly soak in some hot water.

Not paying any heed to her, he turned her on her side and rubbed his face between her breasts before sucking on one like a baby.

"no Liang!! Stop it please… I can't take it anymore… we've already done it multiple times last night. I am afraid I won't be able to walk and I have to return home as well"

She rolled over to the other side to check her phone for messages. There were many wishing her on her birthday. She scrolled down looking for a particular one. Having found it, she clicked it open to read

"happy birthday my bestie, my sister in law, the mother of my future nieces and nephews.

Wish you a year filled with lots of love and luck and crazy passion (thanks to my bro).

I also wish that you get to spend more time with me like before (thanks to my bro again).

See you in the evening. Till then take good rest. Hope you're not too tired (thanks to my bro yet again).

Lots of love, your Mei.

** ps: your parents know that we had a sleep over."

Jinjing chuckled at her bestie's message. When her sight moved from her phone she noticed that Liang had rolled over as well and was now sucking on to her other breast. Pushing away Jinjing said "you sneaky bastard! When did you roll over to this side? Move away let me go."

"no don't go. Let's just stay like this for a little longer. Please…." Liang pleaded.

"nothing doing, after last night I don't trust you the least bit. Saying 'last time, last time' you went on and on….na nothing doing…move away."

A grumpy Liang reluctantly let go of her. Jinjing quickly looked around for some clothes to put on. Not finding any, she pulled the blanket and wrapped it around herself securely, leaving a completely naked Liang coverless on the big bed.

"shameless!!!" saying so Jinjing ran into the bathroom before the big bad wolf could pounce on her.

Liang was so comfortable in his skin, that he did bother about his nakedness for even a second. when Jinjing pulled the blanket away. He put his hands under his head and shamelessly lay on the bed revisiting the lovely memories of the previous night.

Sighing, he turned to his side hugging Jinjing's pillow. "ohhhh!!!! Her fragrance…. Smmmhhhaaa…can't get enough of it." Saying so he buried his face deeper into in.

Enlightened, he took quick steps towards the bathroom. "Jinjing, quick open the door I need to pee really badly…" he blatantly lied.

"it's such a big mansion, I am sure there is at least one more bathroom in here. Don't find excuses to come in." she saw directly through his scheme.

"arrgghhh!!! She's too smart. That's a good thing, but at this moment I hate it." He mumbled

Not accepting defeat, he changed his game plan. "okay fine!!! You caught me."

Making the sound of retreating footsteps, he pretended to leave.

Soon enough Jinjing came out wrapped in a towel that was barely covering her assets. Water from her damp hair was dripping on her shoulders.

Aware of the extent to which Liang could scheme to get what he wants, Jinjing was careful. She poked her head out from the bathroom and first looked right "clear" she murmured. Then she looked to the left "aaahhh!!!" sneaky Liang caught hold of her, pushing her inside the bathroom and shutting the door quickly.

Pinning her to the door, Liang began to kiss the droplets on her shoulders.

"Liang pleaseee…s s stop it…. i will late to reachhh…hommee…" she tried to stop him but did not sound convincing enough. Her heart started beating rapidly as Liang started tugging on her towel with his mouth as his hands held her's to either side of her face. He did not stop until he achieved want he aimed for.

The couple spent another hour in the bathroom, making love in every corner of the huge bathroom.

Finally, after yet another shower, Jinjing step out more exhausted than before she went in.

'ahhh this monster...' she cursed him silently.

After a filling breakfast, the two headed home.

**** end of snu snu****