It’s my fault

Almost a month later, Luwei successful took over from his father and had shifted base to city S.

In actuality, he could have worked from city B but, having known Jinjing closely for the past two years, he was aware that she seemed to have moved on but somewhere deep down she was still nursing a broken heart. He wanted to stay by his best friend through thick and thin.

On the other hand, Jinjing applied for the post of personal assistant to the president of Yun Conglomerate and successfully secured the post without any help from Luwei.

Even though, Luwei kept a close eye on the hiring process so that, he could jump to his Jinnie's rescue if needed.

For the past one week, Jinjing had smoothly adjusted to her work profile and was handling her responsibilities efficiently. With Jinnie by his side, Luwei was even more focused on his job. The two would spend almost 12 hours in a day together at work and another couple of hours post work. Life was smooth sailing.


The scenario in city B was a complete opposite to the one in city S. Liang would immerse himself neck deep in work, he hardly returned home or made time for his parents. Even his closest family member, his sister Meili was clueless as to what her brother was actually up to.

The once disciplined Liang, turned into a heavy smoker and whenever he returned home, if he did, he would be drunk.

A major reason for his current situation was a stubborn Jiaying. Liang tried many times to get rid of her, throw her out of his office. He even appointed another personal assistant, in order to shun Jiaying away but she would still turn up every other day to his office.

His relation with his parents had strained due to the unwanted presence of Jiaying in his life.

"Mom! I don't want to see her around me ever again.... I am fed up. I have made it absolutely clear on multiple occasions. I am not interested in her and you should give up as well." The former obedient Liang did not hesitate before angrily speaking his mind.

"My boy.... how long are you going to be hung up on Jinjing? She has clearly forgotten about you.... it's been 5 years now." Mother Sheng emotionally tried to talk some sense into Liang.

"It was my fault, I should have been more careful before pulling you into all this mess." Mother Sheng had repeatedly apologized ever since she found out about Liang's love for Jinjing.

When mother Sheng had recovered from her surgery and insisted on holding an engagement party, father Sheng and Meili informed her of the real deal.

She at once became aware of her son's lack of presence and change in attitude. She never had a problem with Jinjing, in fact she was really fond of her. But she assumed that Liang liked Jiaying and that's why she went ahead with the engagement.

"No it is my fault." Liang spoke up. "I always overlooked Jiaying's clingy attitude and never took a clear stand." He rubbed his hand on his face, which was red due to alcohol.

"It's my fault... and i will do anything to fix it. I will wait for my Jinjing to return, no matter how long it takes"