The Perfect trap

Soon enough, his prediction turned true, when he heard noises in the hallway, leading to the Suite opposite. 'It's show time' he smirked. He did not feel so anxious and lively in a long time.

Curious assistant Lu, secretly, sneaked a peak in the hall way through the slightly opened door, ready to provide live feed to his boss. He was just assigned a task, like a plot of a movie but, did not know who the lead characters were.

His face lost all color and he forgot all about narrating the scene to his boss when he witnessed who they were waiting for.

Jiaying and Yang Hui made their way to the suite, vigorously kissing each other.

They had already started tugging on their clothes. They did not let go off each other even when Yang Hui was retrieving the access card to open the door. Jiaying pulled down his suit jacket to his elbows and was unbuttoning his shirt while lecherously kissing him.

Yang Hui could not keep his hands off her as well. While trying to open the door with one hand, his other hand pushed the noodle strap of her revealing gown, allowing her ample breasts to almost pop out.

Finally, opening the door, Yang Hui pushed Jiaying inside and slammed the door shut making use of his feet.

The erotic scene left a pale face assistant Lu drenched in cold sweat.


A Fews hours back

With the receptionist and other hotel staff in cahoots, Liang had asked assistant Lu to install some cameras in the suite. He was certain that the two would very soon look for a room. The receptionist was sternly instructed to only allot them the room where the perfect trap was set up.

The cameras installed not only recorded all the action in the room but it was also currently streaming on Liang's phone. But he was the least interested in watching any of it.

The inquisitive assistant Lu stole a few glances at the phone screen but could not handle the steamy act. He was going to have nightmares for a long time.

With things seemingly under his control, Liang headed to the bathroom for a relaxing shower. Latest by tomorrow he would have effectively gotten rid of the thorn of his life. He slipped into the tub full of hot water. He had to plan his next few steps carefully.

This would push the dominant Mu's to a corner and his company would not suffer as well. The only thing left to fix was, his relation with Jinjing. With a renewed vigor, he was sure he would win her back.

He was going to give it his all.