stay happy and blessed

Buzz and Meili made their way down the stairs, hand in hand. Buzz had finally relaxed to the idea of Meili meeting Luwei. Meili was unaware as to why her brother wanted her to join the meeting so she had nothing to tell to Buzz. But the fact that, Liang will be there with her, eased Buzz's worry.

Liang had just mentioned Jinjing's return but had not informed Meili that she was working with Luwei. She would be in for a complete surprise on Monday, when she would meet her friend after such a long time.

After the Fengs left, the family of four were seated in the lounge talking to each other. Meili had to satisfy her curiosity in order to sleep peacefully. She popped the question "why are we working with the Yuns on this project all of a sudden?"

Father Sheng blandly replied "because the Mu's withdrew their investment." Meili rolled her eyes to the obvious knowledge provided by her father. "I know that dad…. But why the Yuns?"

"they are at par with the Mu's in terms of status and are also the best when it comes to IT and technology…. So why not the Yuns?" counter questioned her brother.

Meili just gave him a disinterested look. Liang smirked and added "or are you nervous to meet your first love interest." Meili could only grit her teeth in annoyance. Luckily her parents were busy watching some program on the television and did not hear what their son just said.

She stealthy gave him the finger and focused on her phone before stomping her way back to her room.


The weekend passed by in a jiffy. The siblings spent Saturday, studying the project and discussing with the project management team. The team prepared a presentation for the meeting scheduled on Monday.

Sunday evening, Liang and Meili, along with two senior members from the project team travelled to city S. They reached late that evening. After dinner they called it a day. The subordinates were sharing a room, while the siblings were comfortable sharing a presidential Suite.

Standing before the bathroom mirror, while brushing her teeth, Meili's thoughts went back to her brother's sudden pique in interest for the Yuns.

With the foam still in her mouth, she asked in an inaudible voice "why are you collaborating with Luwei???.... you don't even like him…. In fact, you hate him." She leaned on the bathroom door frame waiting for her brother to reply.

Giving her a look of disgust he taunted "what does Buzz like so much about you….???" Clearly offended by his jibe, Meili quickly rinsed her mouth and charged in towards him. At that time, Liang was sitting in the middle of the couch looking at his phone. He did not notice Meili charging towards him.

She pounced on him and straddled him, trying to strangle him. She irately said "say that again… I dare you…"

Obviously she was no match to his strength, but he still let her have her way. He felt ticklish rather than pain.

Controlling his laughter, he held onto her hands and said "enough! Enough! I am sorry…. I was just kidding." Seeing her cool down a bit he said "you are my baby sister…. I love you a lot…. I was just teasing, okay? Buzz is very lucky that you love him so much."

Caressing her cheeks affectionately, Liang emotionally blessed her "I wish that you both have ever increasing love, respect and trust for each other. May you always stay happy and blessed."

Tickling her he said, "and may the two of you give me plenty of nieces and nephews." Hearing him bless her initially, Meili felt very emotional and was on the verge of crying, but the moment he started teasing her again, she started strangling him once more.

The playful banter between the siblings went on for quite some time, before they retired to their respective rooms.