I am not a part of this

"I was thinking of getting the two engaged soon. What do you think Mr. and Mrs. Lee?" Mother Sheng suggested.

When asked for her opinion, Mrs. Lee said "we don't mind as long as Liang and Jinjing are okay with it" Mrs. Lee said, which earned a soft chuckle from Mrs. Sheng saying, "do you think Liang will mind??? Look at his face…. He can run to get registered given a choice."

Instead of blushing or feeling embarrassed, Liang donned a proud look on his face and sat there holding Jinjing's hand. The elders were at a loss for words. His shamelessness trumped everything.

'why should I feel ashamed, I love Jinjing and I am not going to hide it.' Liang was resolute.

Continuing the conversation, Mr. Sheng suggested, "I think we should get over with Meili and Buzz's wedding first and then get Liang and Jinjing engaged."

Liang quickly did the math, 'Meili's wedding is another three months away…. Then the elders will complain of fatigue and rest for at least a month…. Planning the engagement, one month…. Arranging at least another month…. that's almost six months…. Jinjing will not move in with me till the engagement…. No this is not happening.'

"No!" Liang interjected. "Why after Meili's wedding, why not before it?" he blatantly suggested.

Everyone looked at him, but were not surprised at all. Somehow everyone expected this from him. Before anyone could speak, he further suggested, "we can also get our marriage registered first and then you all can leisurely plan for a grand wedding, for a later date, after Meili's"

Jinjing felt she would drown in embarrassment. 'this man is in such a hurry and is not even trying to conceal it.' She lowered in her seat, trying to hide her face, as if saying, 'don't look at me, I am not a part of this.' She wanted to get married to Liang, but she could not shamelessly talk about it to the elders of the family.

"okay that sounds fine as well." Mother Sheng said to break the awkward silence.

Not wanting Jinjing to be left out from deciding for the most important phase of her life, Mr. Sheng asked, "Jinjing dear, what do you have to say about this?"

Popping her head out of her shell, Jinjing said, "I am fine with whatever the elders decided."

When Liang was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, Meili sarcastically spoke up, "come on brother, why are you rushing things so much, enjoy your dating period. Once you get married, you will be bossed around all the time. Enjoy your freedom till then."

As if that was not enough, Buzz added, "what are you saying Meili, can't you see…, He is already wrapped around Jinjing's pinky."

With all the leg pulling going on, Jinjing once again retreated into her shell like a turtle and left Liang to face everyone. Like a brave warrior, Liang shot down the enemy in one go.

"talk for yourself." He taunted Buzz.

The elders were happy witnessing the closeness and comfort of their bonds, be it the siblings or the childhood friends, they were so close to each other. In times where jealousy, scheming and rivalry were prevalent, these youngsters valued their relations over any other worldly gain.

The Lee parents were especially content to see that their daughter would not only be married off to such a loving person but his family also cherished her dearly.

The next question, pulled the plug and drained out all the happiness.

"Jinjing, when are you resuming work?" Mrs. Sheng asked the obvious, yet the color of Liang's face paled. This was the one thing currently troubling him the most, more than even finding the culprit behind his accident.