Épilogue 2

Back from city S, it was decided that after their wedding, which was in a month's time, Jinjing would take her position of Madam president and start working at JL, only post their second honeymoon. Liang couldn't wait to take her away from all the relatives and people around and have her attention only to himself.

Jinjing would often sit down and count her blessing and she would end up thanking God every time. Her troubles or problems looked insignificant in front of the numerous blessing she was bestowed with.

Her loving, friendly and supportive parents and in laws, her sister like besties Meili and Sam, the brotherly Buzz and Luwei, and last but not the least her super loving, doting and crazy husband.

She could not think of a day in her life without Liang around. His shamelessness, his pampering, his childish behavior, his display of pure and raw emotions around her, she loved everything about him. Her life was an ideal picture of bliss and blessings. She could not think of asking for anything else, if she did, she would be really greedy, she thought to herself.

But guess the almighty had more in store for her. Just few days before their wedding, Jinjing started throwing up profusely. The intensity got Liang worried, and despite the mothers assuring him that everything was fine, he still called for the family doctor. The lady doctor examined Jinjing and informed them that Jinjing was expecting, only confirming their judgments. Jinjing was asked to come in for a detailed examination the next day.

At the hospital, Liang and Jinjing were in for a big surprise. Jinjing was already two months pregnant and she was carrying twins. Liang's happiness knew no bounds. Without giving a damn about the presence of the doctor, Liang proudly patted his muscular arms, as a sign of his prowess. The doctor could only chuckle a bit, but Jinjing was a blushing mess, thanks to her shameless husband.

She was prescribed some multivitamins and other medicines to control her nausea. But guess the twins were going to be as troublesome as their father, because throughout her pregnancy, Jinjing experienced quite a lot of problems.

The tiredness from their grand wedding took a toll on her. She ended up being hospitalized.

Her morning sickness was extreme. Five months later, when the twins started moving in her belly, they would be too much for Jinjing's fragile body to handle.

But one thing that she would miss after delivering would definitely be everyone's care and love, especially Liang's. He had gone extra doting and sensitive to her needs. He abstained from too much love making and also did not allow her to get stressed at work. Special dietician and yoga specialist were hired for her wellbeing.

Liang's initial excitement faded a little when the realization dawned on him that Jinjing's attention and love would be divided between him and the kids.

He would time and again pacify himself with the thought that they were his kids as well. But he did not know that he was going to be a father to two brats who would steal his wife away from him in the near future.

Jinjing worked till the eighth month of her pregnancy, much to Liang's displeasure. He wanted her to take rest but she insisted. Despite carrying twins, Jinjing had a full term pregnancy and safely delivered two healthy sons, much to Liang's despair. He wanted at least one to be a girl. The Lee and Sheng family were elated with the arrival of the two buns.

All the family members were on their toes around the two bundles of joy.

Through the confinement period, Liang did not get much time with Jinjing. She was either busy with the twins or there would be someone from the family around. Even at night, the rascals would wake up often and take his lone time with his wife.

Jinjing understandingly, would ask her mother or mother in law to take care of the twins from time to time to give all her attention to the big baby in the family. He was the love of her life and everything good in her life today was from him. She could never neglect him.

Her affection and patience for him, got Liang through the first six months post the twins birth. The day they started weaning, Liang took Jinjing away for another honeymoon. This time to Maldives.

Jinjing's top notch skin and diet care during her pregnancy, did not take away anything from her beauty, in fact it only made her more curvaceous. Her already ample breasts were all the more voluptuous. She now had to work hard on weaning the big baby.

And this was just the beginning of Liang and Jinjing's long journey together. All along the way, they found abundant love, companionship, support, surprises. Much to Liang's relief a beautiful daughter.

When he held his daughter for the first time, an overwhelmed Liang thanked Jinjing for all the love and priceless treasures she gave him.

He lovingly kissed her and said "my life, my everything is for you. My love, only for you."