"G-got to keep r-running"
A young boy no older then 13 was running through a very dense forest, he was carrying a girl that seemed a little younger then him. The girl had a large cut on the back of her leg that was bleeding heavily. The boy looked exhausted and terrified but he still kept running.
The sound of shouting behind him kept him moving, he knew if he stop now there be no chance for him to survive and god knows what they would do to his sister.
"Just harr I just have to keep running"
???:"Come out already you little shits"
The boy was so focused on running he didn't even notice a root of a near by tree that was poking out of the ground. As soon as his foot came in to contact with it he lost his balance and fell.
It took him a moment to get back up. Looking around he found his sister a little bit away from him.
"D-damn it"
As quickly as he could he stumbled over to her, as he was about to reach her something grabbed on to the back of his clothes and threw him away.
????:"So we finally found you"
????:"Hey, call the boss and tell him that we've found his runaways"
The boy looked up to see a group of men wearing white and blue armour, their faces were also covered with helmets. The thing that terrified him the most was a symbol on there shoulders, his vision was to blurry to make it out but he knew what it was.
Boy:"No get away from her" he spoke in a weak voice
Man1:"Awww cute, look the little shit is trying to protect his sister how brave hahaha"
Man2:"Just kill him already the boss only cares about the girl anyway"
Man1:"With pleasure, this is for making me run for 5 hours in this fucking forest"
The man then walked over to the boy, he then pointed a white hand gun at the kids head.
Boy:"I'm sorry lilith" the boy said as he closed his eyes and passed out from exhaustion
Man1:"Well this is goodbye kid"
==========Terra's pov===========
I had just arrived at the location Hunger told me about. I was in a tree so that I wouldn't be spotted, it seemed Hunger was right there were two groups of them.
What I didn't expect was for one of the groups to be 7 very heavily armed and armored men. The other group was made up of two kids the looked no older then 12 or 13.
Terra:"Why the hell are they so heavily armed"
Echo:[First of all don't speak out loud and second we have no idea maybe it's because of the creatures in the forest]
Terra:'Oops sorry' I thought
Hunger:[Hey my queen what are those weapons?]
Terra:'Oh they're.... they're HAA' I grabbed my head in pain
Echo:[Are you okay?]
Terra:'Yeah. Yeah I'm fine also they are called guns'
I continue to watch the boy and girl. The boy had short brown hair and green eyes he was wearing rags and looked on the verge of collapse. The girl had the same hair colour just longer, she was also wearing the same thing. However the girl state was much worse because not only was she unconscious but was bleeding pretty heavily.
Echo:[Should we help them?]
Hunger:[Or we coul-]
Terra:'Hunger. we. are. not. going. to. eat. children'
Hunger:[I was not going to say that]
Terra:[Anyway let's help them, they could give us some useful information]
I was about to help them when the boy fell over. And before I could get down to him the men in armour showed up and through the kid right beneath me.
Man1:"So we finally found you"
Man2:"Hey, call the boss and tell him that we've found his runaways"
Echo:[If were going to help we need to do it now]
Hunger:[My queen?]
Yet I was not listening to them my eyes were glued on the men in armour. For some reason when I saw them up close like this it made me so fucking mad.
Then my eyes fixed on a symbol on their shoulders. It was an image that looked to be some kind of gold bird with a blue shield behind it.
As soon as I saw it my head began to hurt it felt like my brain was melting. I started to see images of a burning city, I could hear screams people begging for their lives. And then I saw images of soldiers dragging people away to only god knows where. Finally I saw that fucking symbol but this time it was on a blood covered flag.
My calm mind skill didn't do shit. It couldn't handle the pure rage that I was feeling, it felt like my blood was boiling. And yet I felt so calm it was like my mind was clear for the first time, i didn't understand why but i honestly didn't give a flying fuck.
Man1:"Well this is goodbye kid"
========Man2 pov========
Everything was going so well, we found the brats and were about to take the girl back with us when I suddenly heard a wet splat noise from behind me. Curious I turn around to see the guy i had sent to kill the boy, he had fallen backwards and there was blood everywhere.
Then I noticed his head was missing. I slowly looked up to see a.... I don't know what it was, it looked like a girl mixed with an insect with red glowing lines running across its body. It had long pink and red hair that got darker closer to the bottom and it also had black and red bird wings. It was also wearing a white top with trousers that seemed to be made of spider webs.
It just stood looking at the head in it's hands before looking at me..... and god I've never seen something so terrifying, it's eyes glowed red just like the lines but that was not what scared me. What scared me was the massive amount of killing intent in those eyes.
I could tell the men around me were scared shitless as well.
????:"Huh I don't feel anything after killing that guy... well who cares" it spoke in a cold and emotionless voice
"Wh-what the hell are you" I ask while backing up slowly
============Terra pov===========
Terra"huh I don't feel anything after killing that guy... well who cares"
"Wh-what the hell are you"
Terra:'That's a stupid question'
Terra/Hunger/Echo:"WE. ARE. THE. FALLEN" when i spoke both Hunger's and Echo's voices could be heard as well
Before the 6 men could react i shot a stream of webbing trapping one of them. I then shot forward and grabbed one of them by the arm before I ripped it off bone and all.
Hearing there friends screams snapped the others out of their daze and they started shooting but I blocked the bullets with my wings, thank god they're so tough. I knew my wings wouldn't hold out for ever so I called in back up.
Man2"Take that you bitc-" He was cut off when the warrier came charging out of the forest looking very pissed off, apparently not liking the fact that people are shooting at me
"What the hell is that thing"
Man4"Who cares just shoot it"
Two of them start to shoot at the warrier but the bullets just bounced off of it. The warrier did not stop even as it crashed it to them sending them flying.
I was still getting shot at when I got a pretty fucked up idea. I grad the one armed guy and bit him before throwing him at the two shooting at me. They stop shooting to dodge out of the way, before they could get back up I jumped on one of them and ripped his throat out with my claws.
Man2"Fuck this" he started to run away however before he could.....
Man2:"What the hel-ARRRRRR. GET OFF ME"
Unfortunately for the guy trying to escape the one armed man I bit had turned in to a husk and was now eating him.
I however just ignored his screams and begs for help as I turned around to see the warrior holding a guy down with one arm while eating the other one. The warrior then finished the last guy alive off by crushing him and then throwing the one it was eating away.
Terra"Huh. Oh right I forgot about you" I turn to the guy that was webbed up
I walked up to him before stabbing him in the head killing him instantly.
"Well what to.... do.... now" I suddenly collapsed on to the ground and passed out
Hunger:[My queen are you alright]
Echo:[It's fine Hunger she is just getting ready to evolve again. We should probably get her back to the nest before it starts]
Hunger:[What about the little humans]
Echo:[Let's take them with us we might get information out of them]
Hunger:[Yes creator]