19 Well, here comes another one

She really left me.

Jason's heroic attempt only gave him regret.

Snap out of it you fool. You're the one who asks her to go. To begin with, she's useless and can't do anything.

A feeble attempt to encouraged his wounded heart. His slight aggressive pep talk did motivate him in a sense.

How the hell am I going to get through this?

The Glock was still aiming at the silver raptor. Although it did nothing to the beast, Jason still held the gun at it. His other free arm was unusable, injured to the point of bleeding from every cut and wound.

That last attack from the silver raptor was blocked by his injured arm which only aggravated the injuries. Every bone in that arm of his was fractured from every angle. At this point, he didn't feel he has a left arm anymore. The silver raptor stared at the sight of this human, who still persisted like an ant. It's horn shined bright as another attack was coming.


He leaped to the side and the wall behind him crumbled into pieces. A devastating attack with no way of surviving. Jason got up and ran through the hole at the wall. He mustered every ounce of his energy and sprinted through the hole.

Again he leaped outside as he felt something just flew by him from the back. The wall to the outside corridor had a huge crack. His countenance paled seeing this.

Shit, why is it becoming more aggressive?


The whole wall to the storage facility broken apart as the silver raptor emerged delivering a powerful tackle. Dust and little rocks flew apart as everything was being destroyed by this silver raptor.

Jason got up and ran to the other door. Jason didn't know what was on the other side but staying here was not an option. Tucking the gun in between his pants and belt, he made a mad dash.


A baritone growl filled the corridor but Jason didn't have the luxury of seeing where it was coming from. Then another growl rang out. Same but a tad different. Jason's hand grabbed on to the door handle and pushed it down. He went inside and right at that brief moment, he saw what was happening in the corridor behind him.

Another one.

There it was, another silver raptor entering the scene. The hair on Jason's back raised up high as if he felt he received a death sentence.

Another more of this silver bastard. How on earth am I going to survive this?

Yet something else happened.


A loud growl coming from these two silver raptors as both of them did the unexpected.

They're fighting?

To his surprise, those two creatures battle it out swinging their tail and slamming their horns at one another. The result.


The corridor was turning into a battlefield as the walls kept on cracking and breaking apart piece by piece. These two silver raptors duking it out was something he had never expect.

I need to run.

Another chance in life like a light at the end of a tunnel. Jason didn't waste time and ran away with all his might. His eyes went side to side as he noticed this was just another corridor to a bunch of new rooms. His sight focus on the huge door at the end of the corridor. His next way out. His eyes went around seeking for something. Yet he couldn't see anyone else. But for some reason, his vision started to tilt at an angle.


Before long, the floor was already within his sight. Jason's head was on the cold floor as he could felt the coldness right away.

How did I fall?

He tried to get up but his feet were giving away, fumbling like a baby. Jason felt light-headed with his vision started to blur.

Why am I getting dizzy all of a sudden?

Shaking his head off, he saw something underneath him.


A pool of blood. His vision brought him to the sight of his severe arm with blood trickling down from his fingers.

I lost too much blood.

It just hit him. He was to focus on running away from those monsters that he didn't pay attention to his own body deteriorating at every second.

Shit, what am I-

Right about that time, something just struck his mind. His other hand reached out to his left arm as his hand started to glow.

"Minor Heal+," said Jason.

A warm gush of sensation was felt across his numbed left arm. Before long his whole left arm was engulfed in pale green light.

This is incredible.

The pale green light died down and his arm was looking better. The cuts and wounds were smaller and the bleeding had stopped. His arm was still red and pain kept on coming every now and then. Overall, he felt better.

I'm not fully healed.

He didn't expect the heal to fell short. Again, he tried to heal his arm.


It gave him a fright, Jason turned his head to the back and saw the whole door dropped on the floor.


That hideous growl was like a nightmare to his ears. But his eyes turned out wide as he saw two of those silver raptor came inside side by side.


There was no time to recuperate as he ran like his life depends on it. Two silver raptors were chasing him down in a frenzy.

Why did they suddenly cooperate?

Even if he knew the answer, it was useless in his current predicament. The growl was becoming louder from the back and his heart beat faster than before. He raced towards the door and slammed his entire body at it after pushing the handle down. The door opened and what entered his sight, was something he didn't expect.

A group of people staring at him with fear in the back of their eyes. A few of them were sitting on the flight of stairs while more of them were hiding underneath the staircase. In that split second, he hesitated.

Should I tell them to run? Or leave them as...

His thought fell short as he himself didn't want to say those words. Gnashing his teeth, he ran up the stairs. Those who saw him felt relief seeing it was a human but none of them question why he was fleeing up the stairs. But after ten steps on the stairs, guilt riddled his heart.

Damn it.

He turned and shouted.

"Run. Monsters are coming."


He was too late, two heads of silver raptor barged through the door. They were like a walking destruction, breaking everything in their path.



Screams rang in the air as they were terrified by the appearance of these monsters. Some fled leaving the others behind without looking back while some fear-stricken, frozen in place staring at the sight of these monsters.

While people were screaming, Jason noticed one of the silver raptor missing their bladed horn. While the other raptor had its blade horn intact. An assumption popped out inside his head after seeing these two creatures side by side.

A dominant pack leader.

Screams filled the staircase as these two silver raptors killed all surviving humans underneath the staircase. Jason didn't look back and ran up the stairs. He wished it would go upright to the top, but sadly.

Damn it.

It was only up to the ground floor. The door was right in front of him opened by those who ran before him. But he stopped there staring at it knowing what was on the other side. Those quadruped crocodile-like reptiles were something he didn't wish to come in contact with. Yet the baritone growl made him turned around. He saw it. Their eyes made contact. The silver raptor with its blade horn still intact climbed up the stairs staring at its prey.

He didn't know why, but he felt the silver raptor there was the one from the beginning. As if seeing him as the main prey. Left with no option, he took out his gun and pulled the trigger.


Only a spark made on the silver raptor scale. A useless attempt but he had to do it.

"Come at me," he ran outside the door.

He didn't look around and just ran straight forward. The growl kept on coming as he knew he was being chased down. Fatigue started to kick in, Jason was getting out of breath.

One point to stamina

His condition stabilized and he ran. He twisted and turned through the furniture and before long he could hear screaming from up the front. Rather than turning around, he sped up seeking that source of the sound. Then there he was in the lobby. To be more precise, right in front of the elevator where he once was.

"Didn't think I would meet you so soon," muttered Jason staring at the sight of this living being.

Another familiar growl deeper than the silver raptor rang out in his ears. It turned its head around with its long snout filled with bloody human pieces. There was even a living man still living within its jaw.

"He...lp me..."

Disembodied voice pleading for help. Jason gulped a mouthful of his saliva seeing this creature. He didn't care about that man between the creature's jaw. He himself had a tough time surviving.


That low baritone growl was heard, he knew that the silver raptor was right behind him. Raising the gun at the crocodile-like reptile, he pulled the trigger.


It didn't do a thing at that creature, yet he managed to agitate the creature. Its jaw went loose dropping whatever inside its mouth. It was time for another prey to go inside. Those four thick legs pushed off the marble floor cracking it into pieces as it lunged its long snout at Jason. He dropped himself to the floor as he felt his head smacked on the marble floor.

He withstands the pain as he just brushes against death itself. The low baritone voice was becoming louder from behind Jason's back. A quick glance and he saw the sight of the silver raptor staring at the crocodile-like reptile. Its blade horn started to glow and Jason knew he did it.

Need to run.

He got up and fled to the side. The moment he did, a loud growl rang. Blood spurted on the floor and Jason was thrown towards one of the elevator doors from a random swing of a long snout.

Shit, that hurts.

Turning around with his back on the elevator door. He saw it firsthand, the crocodile-like reptile bleeding from its snout. A cut wound was seen on its snout. It wasn't deep but enough to injured this creature who was immune to bullets. Then, it happened.

These two creatures duked it out in front of him. The silver raptor lunged forward leaping on the crocodile-like reptile, piercing it with its sharp blade horn. Both were fierce in their attacks, biting and clawing their way to their opponent's body. Never did he thought, that these monsters would fight among themselves.

In a sense, they were similar to animals or to be exact predators. No predators would let their prey snatch by another predator. A random thought that he managed to pull it off.

I need to get out of here before I become these things collateral damage.


A familiar sound entered his ears. The sound of an elevator door opened. Jason couldn't believe his own ears. He looked at the opposite end and saw all elevator doors were shut close. Thus it made sense that the door sound came from his side. It was either left or right. He wanted to glance to each side but a voice entered his ears.

"Jason, are you there?" a woman's voice. One that he couldn't forget. He hoped he wasn't being delusional.

It came from the right side and in an instant, he crawled on the floor on all four and stepped inside the elevator.

"Close it," he shouted.

The one who was dumb enough to go down through the elevator pressed down the button. Soon, the door closed and the sound of those two creatures fighting drowned out by the closing of the door. Jason's breath was ragged and his head was facing downwards. He didn't believe what he just went through.

Did I survive?

He questioned himself but then he remembered something. He tilted his head upwards and saw a figure of a woman who leaped at him. She caught him off guard but he didn't dodge nor resist. A deep warmth filled his entire body as being hugged was a blessing for him. It meant something to him, proof that he survived.

"Thank goodness you're alive," said the woman as her raspy voice was clear to his ears. Her head rested upon his own, leaning to one another.

He wrapped his arms over this woman, hugging her tightly as he said.

"Thank you, Maria."