28 Trouble in Stairs

The door to the emergency staircase opened. A pair of eyes peek into the mild darkness of the staircase. He opened it wide and stepped inside. His steps were careful, trying not to make a sound.

"What's the holdup? Come on, there might be monsters chasing on our backs," an annoying voice echoed within the staircase as it betrayed Jason's attempt in going stealth mode.

It pissed him off just hearing that voice. He turned around and grabbed the team manager by the collar.

"Why the fuck are you here?" the irritation in his voice was clear as day.

"Eek," Abby the one who had been hiding at the corner dropped on the floor surprised by the sudden aggression of Jason.

The team manager fell speechless but he regained his wit.

"I can be where ever I wa-" his words fell short.

Jason punched the team manager right at the pit of his stomach. His patience was running thin. Entertaining people like this team manager was not within his plan. The team manager felt like puking out everything within his stomach. That simple punch was like an iron ball slammed across his body. He knelt right away with his mouth wide open.

"Hey, aren't you being a bit too much," said Matt as he came in between Jason and the team manager.

"Step aside before I do the same to you," Jason didn't mince his words as he stared right in the eyes of Matt.

Matt faltered seeing those eyes. His eyes had a quick glance at the sharp horn sword in Jason's hand. He gulped down a mouthful of saliva, nervous confronting this man. A man, who wiped out the entire pack of mini-velociraptors that targeted their office room. He saw it for himself of how Jason handled those creatures of nightmares with that horn sword in his hand.

Matt aided Laurel in opening and closing the door. A logical tactic of confronting them one by one. Sometimes Jason slashed them in one stroke when a head peeked out through the gap door while at times, a single mini-velociraptor managed to get inside but Jason handled it swiftly battling against it in an overpowering manner.

Matt never stopped being amazed by the power of this man. Right now, going head to head with this man was no doubt, suicidal. Matt backed away with his head down.

"You… can't… do-" the team manager tried to fight back with words but nothing will stop Jason.

Jason picked him up and punched him one more time in the gut. He didn't stop and continued to barrage that flabby stomach with countless of his punches. The team manager dropped dead on the floor. Well, he wasn't actually dead but fainted with the white eyes visible. Jason kicked at the unresponsive body just for the sake of venting his anger. He held back quite a lot while venting at the team manager.

Last but not least, Jason grabbed the team manager and flung him. With his strength, the limp body flew in the air before falling back on the hard carpet floor at a distance. The three people who saw this were shocked. Right now, within their eyes, Jason was like a monster.

That idiot. I'm trying to be silent as possible and he just had to be an idiotic loudmouth.

"You," Jason pointed at Abby who was still on the floor.

"Don't follow us," said Jason.

Abby turned frantic hearing those words. She crawled on the floor as she tried to grab on to Jason's leg, hoping to beg to tag along. But, Jason was quicker. He dodged it.

"I'm warning you if I even see a shadow of you," he pointed at the sight of the limp body of the team manager at a distance.

Abby shivered out of fear. She knew that this man wasn't playing around with his words. The color on her face turned pale knowing that being left behind was the same as being thrown into death itself. Jason turned back towards the door and went back into the emergency staircase. Matt and Laurel stood there like statues not knowing whether to follow or not.

"What are you guys standing around for, come on," Jason stepped out for a while as he beckoned them to follow along.

The door closed behind Jason. Three people were inside the staircase.

"Don't make a sound," said Jason.

The two office mates nodded. The trio climbed up the stairs with Jason leading the group. The two behind him were anxious at every step. Who knows what would jump out at the corner if they didn't pay attention. Meanwhile, Jason, on the other hand, was having troubling thoughts.

My leveling speed starts to slow down a bit after killing those mini-velociraptors. Their overall level might be close to mine considering how I need to kill more than just one of them to level up.

He was staring at his own status thinking about what to do with these unused points he had.

Jason Park

Job : None

Level 14

EP : 6/12

E.Guard : 30/30

Strength : 16

Agility : 31

Dexterity : 5

Stamina : 4

Energy : 4

E.Resist : 1

Points : 83

Unique Trait : Rapid Growth

Skills : Intermediate Swordsmanship Lv.3, Minor Heal+ Lv.3, Energy Guard Lv.1

Although he felt kind of bad with the decreasing speed of his leveling but knowing he was coming closer to these creatures level was like a light at the end of the tunnel. If he used his points properly he might be able to contend with those ridiculous monsters roaming on the ground floor.

Even his skill managed to level up quite a few times as he demonstrated his ability to wield the horn sword while going up against the monsters.

Should I focus more on speed and strength or gamble on with energy? I still don't know yet the extent of using energy. Since healing is possible then making fireball out of thin air might be possible but the question is, how on earth am I going to learn an ability like that?

But then his line of thought paused as something was happening. All three of them tilted their head upwards as an unknown snarling sound echoed from above. Jason glanced the two behind him. Both shook their heads side to side denying themselves from making a sound. Jason knew that too since the three of them were trying their best to walk as silent as possible.

Jason quickened his speed to the next floor as the two followed. He opened up the door and urged the two to come inside. As soon as Matt passed through the door, Jason shut the door. He didn't even think about blocking the door since he couldn't find anything big enough in this corridor. Jason ran to the other end of the corridor with the two trying to keep up with his astonishing speed.

Where the heck is it?

Jason was trying to find another staircase. Soon, the two people behind him disappeared from sight. They were too slow compared to the frantic Jason. He was too focused on searching for the other staircase that he had forgotten about his speed compared to the normal people.

Matt was trying to catch up with his face reddened and breath gasping for air. While Laurel was crying in tears as she was the one at the end of the line. Her silent tears didn't hinder her effort in trying to catch up with those guys. She was even running in high heels. Her feet started to ached. Looking down she noticed those heels of hers. Realizing how stupid it was running in heels. She took off her heels and was ready to run once more but a loud bang came from the back.


She glanced at her back and saw the door to the staircase laid on the floor with something standing on top of it. She gasped in shock as she saw what it was. A bipedal creature standing on two legs with a hunchback. Scales covered its entire body, yet the ominous thing about this creature was the sharp long claws on both its upper limbs and lower limbs. Enough said if Jason saw this creature firsthand he would have definitely felt that it resembled a lot like the creature from Resident zombie series, the hunter.

She was about to cry out but she restrained herself and ran like her life was depending on it. The creature deemed as razor hunter sniffed something in the air. It turned its head and saw the fleeing woman.

The lower limb of the creature started to bulge as it then burst into a tenacious like speed as it bounced over the wall and ceiling. Its target was none other than the unfortunate Laurel. In mere seconds it reached Laurel's back. She herself could felt the ominous air behind her as the creepy snarl made her known that something was behind her.

Her legs gave out and she fell. Dropping her entire body on the floor. Something just swung by at the empty air. Laurel's hand grabbed on to something on the floor and noticed it was her hair being cut apart.

She didn't turn her head around as she knew what was standing right above her. She didn't have the nerve to move at all. The razor hunter didn't wait for a second as it struck down its claw at the motionless body in front of it. But then a force came out of nowhere striking it from the front. It felt pain for the first time being here and backed away in a flash.

A shallow cut on its torso as blood dripped. It glared at the newcomer that disturb its moment of killing its prey. A man holding on to a horn sword. A man staring at the sight of this monstrous creature with a glare.

It didn't work. My strength is too low. How about this?

Twenty points to strength.