Squad Leader, Han Lee (10)

"Today our opponent is squad 6. This battle is easier than all the battles we have fought thus far. Their squad had suffered too many injuries from previous squad battles so they won't be able to deploy their core members. It's very likely that they're ready to throw the towel already. But, don't let your guard down. Let's obtain a perfect victory."

Squad 6 had left many of their members injured. Han thoroughly evaluate every squad battle. Squad 6 should be capable of only half their military strength for this round.

'There is no reason to lose as long as we don't make any big mistakes.'

Han had no thoughts to carry out today's battle with a lack luster lazy battle plan. They're trying to make me fail so that I lose my confidence and get myself stuck into a slump.'

Han chuckled bitterly.

'I just dislike losing. I already experienced enough of that.'

Han had experienced countless failures. Each time, he had to pay a terrible price for them. He has long been trained to not tolerate failure to his bones.

"Squad 13, let's go."

Han said standing at the forefront. The start of the squad battles signaled. The dome fell into darkness. Only a faint light lit up the battlefield.

"Wha, what is this? It's night time."

"I can't see at all."

This was a turn of events that had never been trialed. They had turned day into night. Han rose his hand and stopped his squad from moving forward.

"Calm down. We will wait a bit until our eyes become accustomed to the dark. Since we never heard of this kind of thing, Squad 6 should be in the same situation as us."

Han calmed down his anxious squad members.

'He's truly a natural squad leader. He always maintains his cool to make calm judgments. He must understand that if he were to lose his cool, his squad would fall down along with him.'

The instructors scored Han highly for his squad leadership skills. They had purposely added an unknown factor for Han. Han had responded perfectly toward the changes. After time passed, the youths had become accustomed to the darkness and began moving once again.

-Canute's group will strike first. Jose will be the backup. We will strike from their flank.

Han made hand signals. The squad members moved forth with their battle plans. Han moved his team to the side. As soon as Canute retreats, his team will immediately strike and finish them.

-Engaging enemy.

Canute sent a message. A scream echoed from the far distance of the darkness. Han paused his breath and moved in the darkness.

'As I predicted. Since their core teammates are not able to participate, squad 6 chose the defense tactic. They must have thought to pick off our squad one by one until nobody is left. However, we won't have any frontal attacks. This darkness makes it easier for surprise attacks from the back.'

Han peered behind himself. Kijo was in his team. Contrary to Han's worry, Kijo followed through strictly with Han's commands.

'Kijo is also a second year of Ark after all. He's not stupid. His personality isn't the best, but he still does his job thoroughly.'

If he's one to let his emotion get the better of him then he would not have survived in such a place like Ark.

"Remain in standby. We will wait until Canute retreats."

Han lowered his body and waited. Usually, Canute would have retreated by now, but he's been dragging out the battle for some time now.

-Canute, retreat.

Han directly sent a message. Canute didn't answer. Han's eyes narrowed.

'What happened? Canute is straying from my original battle plans. He's not one to randomly charge off by himself. Either, he's been done in or he's in a tight situation.'

Instead of Canute, Jose had sent a message.

-Canute's team had fallen. It happened in a matter of moments. Should my team proceed with attacking them? Should I retreat and rejoin with your team?

Han momentarily agonized and sent the renewed battle plans.

-Jose, continue forth. We will combine our team in front of our enemy's camp.

Han sent the message and proceeded forward. He could see his opponent's defense team. Jose's team was in the middle of fighting against them. Some of squad 6 were already injured. It seems his squad's situation wasn't as good as he thought.

'Squad 6 destroyed Canute's team even though they have injured soldiers fighting. What happened?'

Kuro who stood behind Han blinked. Blue light glowed from Kuro's eyes. His immediate foresight skills had alarmed.

"Han, get down!"

Kuro pressed Han's head down onto the ground. Han's body got pinned down onto the ground in this confusion. Something swished above his head.


A menacing sharp sound passed. Han peered up. A youth wearing a skull faced mask stood spinning twin swords.

'If Kuro didn't push me down, it would have been the end of me. However, nobody was within a visible range of me. Who is that masked guy? Had there been such a person in squad 6?'

Han's mind worked fast. A skull masked youth who welds twin daggers, he had never heard of such a student in year 2.

"Surround the enemy, keep your distance."

Han's squad surrounded the skull masked man. The skull masked man stood in a relaxed form. Psychic energy swayed from his body.


The skull masked man disappeared from thin air. Han felt something chilling from his back. He swung his spear to his back.


The skull masked man traveled stood had appeared behind him the next instant. Han reflexively attacked him.

"Wha-what? He disappeared and appeared again!"

His squad members began to shout. Han looked to where the drill instructors stood.

'Those horrible drill instructors. I don't know who that skull masked man is, but he's not any pushover. He has the unique skill of teleportation. His skill range isn't that wide though.'

"Everyone maintain sight of one another so that we can counter attack against him when he appears!"

He made swift decisions. Teleporters commonly attack their opponent's back. The squad members kept each other in their view so that they could block against the skull faced man whenever.


The skull faced man teleported to a place further away from Han. His psychic waves seemed hazier than before.

'Teleporting must require a lot of his psychic energy. This skill isn't to be used wastefully.'

Han observed his surroundings. Anxiety seemed to strangle his mind. It had been a brief moment, but a million thoughts seemed to have passed his mind. He grasped onto a tiny sliver of hope to win this battle.

"I'll block that mask. The rest of you join Jose's team."

Han confronted the skull mask. He spun his spear. The arm that had broken had completely healed a few weeks back. He had slacked in weapon training all this time, but his condition was pretty good at the moment.

The skull mask tilted his head.

The skull mask said no words and simply looked on towards Han. That gesture meant only one thing.

"'You're going to block me by yourself?' must be what you're trying to say."

Skull mask nodded.

"It seems you've forgotten, but today's battle is capture the flag. I don't have a reason to beat you today. I'll win as long as I don't lose against you."

Skull mask twitched. Han had become confident from his response.

'This skull mask must not be a commander type. He doesn't fight using strategy and tactics. Then…'

Han's lips quirked up.

'The winner will be squad 13'

He maintained his distance against the skull mask. He maintained the furthest distance he could mange. The skull mask approached him using his teleportation skill twice. The skull mask had become restless from Han's words.

'The maximum distance he can travel is fifteen meters per teleport.'

Han purposely distanced himself to lure the skull mask to make him use teleport twice in a row. He didn't let himself get flustered and observed the opponent's skills.


Listening carefully, he noticed a distinct sound the skull mask makes when disappearing then the same sound travels along with the skull mask to his final destination. Upon the first sound, skull mask's body blinks, then on the last sound his body would appear at the final destination.

'With focus, it's possible to figure out his final destination.'

Han kept his eyes wide open. He stubbornly blocked the skull mask's path. The skull mask became flustered.

"You must defeat me if you want to pass, Mr. Skull Mask."

'How did he figure out the location I was about to teleport to? Did he manage to fully grasp my unique skill within this brief moment?'

Behind the mask was a fellow peer. Skull mask started to focus on fighting against Han. There was no reason that skull mask couldn't beat him. Rather, skull mask had already transcended the combat level of the second years.

'He's strong. I feel like I'm battling against Drill Instructor Wei. I'm already up to my neck trying to block his attacks.'

Skull mask attacked with his twin swords like a hurricane. He linked together consecutive attacks without a moment of rest.


The spear that Han held to defend against the raining attacks slipped from his hand and flew into the air. The skull mask mercilessly stabbed Han's abdomen. The attack wasn't strong enough to penetrate into his chest, but his organs felt like they were being crushed.

'Han, focus!'

Han opened his eyes wider as if he was reprimanding himself. His eyes glowed into a blue hue. He used his telekinesis to grab his spear that was up in the air. Gravity accelerated the spear's speed of attack into the skull mask's neck.


Skull mask fainted on the ground. He had completely lost consciousness from the attack.

"Haa, haa. I finally managed to make him faint."

Han said while trying to catch his breath. During that moment, squad 13 had infiltrated into squad 6's command center and managed to steal their opponent's flag.

Squad 6 didn't have manpower to stop the flag bearer of squad 13. A message announced squad 13's victory the next instant.