Invasion (3)

They drew closer to the fourth mock battle zone. They were able to join forces with the other squads.

A few of the members from the other squads that were thrown into fights against the enemy were injured. The youths who suffered gunshot wounds were trudging along as they hung on barely for their lives. .

"Each squad select two sentries from your team. Each squad will dispatch pair of sentries around the outskirts of the mock battle grounds. The injured should gather toward the inside of the battle formation. Squads should take turns surveying the inspectors. The remainder of the squad members should dig traps and make cover shelters."

All the second year squads gathered at the fourth battle grounds. This forest was the perfect place to set up a defensive fortress.

The trees had been planted here to confuse the students, but in turn it became the greatest defensive maze against enemies. The second year youths were already familiar with this forest, but to the enemy, this place was perplexing.

"Squads, come collect a box of bullets."

Squad 5 and Dimitri handed out the boxes of bullets. Students all around began reloading their magazines on the spot. Dimitri had blood all over his face. His hands were also soaked in blood.

"Are you okay, Dimitri?"

Han patted his shoulder and asked. It seemed like a skirmish broke out at Dimitri's side as well.

"You don't need to worry about that, Han. Just focus on your own job."

Dimitri had strong pride. He might be suffering a mental breakdown mentally suffering a great, but he was the type to sort out his feelings privately.

'The most trustworthy person here, is probably Simon.'

Han glanced over to Simon from Squad 3. It seems Simon had single-handedly taken care of the enemies that they met on their way here.

He expertly used his psychic skills. He had been personally selected by Sergeant Red as one of the greatest talents amongst those in Ark. Simon didn't have any major psychological problems. He was just a bit unpleasant to be around.

"Do you think you'll get away with this?"

One person amongst the inspectors shouted. He had a huge bruise on his face. It seems there has been a discord through the capturing procedure.

"We're acting on Ark's orders, Inspector."

Han said. The inspector's anger soared.

"We're inspectors. We're not something brats like you can even…. AAHK!"

Simon stood up and grabbed the inspectors neck and threw him up into the air.

"Shut up, old man. Before I decide to kill you."

Blue light flowed from Simon's eyes. Simon has killed a person moments before, making this threat that much more unsettling. The inspector paled as a cold chill ran down his spine.

"That's enough, Simon. It's our job to provide safety for the inspectors."

Han held Simon's arm and said. Simon nodded and went his way, but shouted loud enough for the inspector to hear.

"Of course. I'm sure the suspect for this havoc is amongst them. Damn traitors."

"Be quiet. Simon. Must I give you official orders before you listen to me?"

Han growled lowly. Han held the highest level of command in this place amongst everyone.

Simon said no more and went to return to his original position. After the formation of Squad Whiskey, Simon and Han had settled their differences a great deal.

Simon had acknowledged Han's strength, so he complied quietly.

You're pretty good, Han. I can't believe Simon is obediently listening to your orders." Jose said while watching the two. Simon was famous for his independent and high handed nature.

The leader of Squad 3 also had trouble controlling Simon. Squad 3's victory and losses all depended on Simon's battle strength. This was a rare sight to see amongst second years who were led by squad leaders.

"Simon isn't an idiot."

Han continued to calmly give out orders. Han could see many of the youths he had worked with at the dimensional crack zone.

Han's words held clarity and confidence. He had the natural charisma of a leader which people liked to put their trust in.

'I see this is the strength of the leader who led the survivors of the dimensional crack zone.'

Inspector Rue continued to observe the second years. The youths were all different and varied in personality. Han's presence shined stronger than many others.

'Such skills are obtained through more than just repeated military training drills.'

A good commander cannot be defined by one word. There are all kinds of complex factors that must work together in harmony. You could set up a library if one were to compile all the idiotic mistakes that graduate officers had made.

It was common place to find superiors randomly killed while in battle. It didn't matter how many subordinates one obtained through an institution, only strong commanders could obtain the trust and obedience of their subordinates.

'Soldiers put their own lives in the hands of their commander. There wouldn't be a single person willing to sacrifice their own life while working under a commander they do not fully trust.'

Han let squads take a break in rotation. Everyone looked exhausted.


Static sounded from the data bracelet. The second year squads used a local network so it didn't static at all. Communication with drill instructors, however would have static because they were relayed through a radio communicator.

"Squad 13 leader Han Lee reporting, I am listening."

–Tsstsst. Han, what is the situation over there?

"We are providing protection for the inspectors at the fourth mock battle grounds. All the second years have been assembled here."

Han shortly briefed. He could hear the chaotic back noise through the communication line. He could hear guns being fired and bombs exploding.

-We've confirmed that the enemy forces are heading toward the first year defense shelter. The enemy has given up on attacking the second years, and have diverted their attack toward the first years. The only military forces that are able to provide aid to stop the enemy are the second year squads. Do you understand?

"We will deploy a team."

The drill instructors didn't wish to resort to this. However, currently Ark was short on manpower.

After the recent events that occurred around the dimensional crack, many forces from around the world had been dispatched for constant surveyance. At the moment, the best backup manpower available in the Ark were the second year squads.

-Extermination is not necessary, it's good enough to simply stop them. We've divided a portion of our military forces to be deployed to the first years.


Han hung up his communication line and looked around his surroundings.

'It's impossible to take Squad 13 with me. I need members who can work skillfully as a team.'

If all of Squad 13 were able to battle, he would have immediately dispatched his own squad out. However, there were not many members who could display their full strength in this situation.

'I also need someone to take care of this place. It will be better for Jose to remain here. Dimitri is the second-in-command here, so it would be bad to take him.'

Han chose Canute and Simon among a team of eight. These eight members were able to fully display their strength in battle.

The dispatched eight members of this team had similar personalities to Han. They didn't have much fluctuation in emotions and had a strong sense of self. These types of people adapted to battle the quickest.

"This temporary squad name is Squad Zero. Our communication channel is 9."

Han and Squad Zero moved out with haste. First years had a negligible amount of battle strength. It didn't matter how much potential these first years had, they would be powerless in the face of fully armed soldiers. If Han delayed even a little, all of the first years would probably be decimated.

"Monsters who have strayed from heaven's blessings."

The first years who couldn't reach the first year defense shelter were already captured by the enemy soldiers. The soldiers stepped on the necks of the first years and put them out of their misery. They pulled their triggers without batting an eye.


A bullet flew into a first year student's head; the youth's body fell and spasmed. The youth died, disbelieving until the last moment, with his eyes open. Blood flowed through the cracks of the ground.

The True Group held strong hostility towards all that manifested psychic powers. This hostility would be best described as pure disgust.

Like a person who reacts to a cockroach in their own house, to these people, psykers were demonic. Psykers were tumors of the human race.

The True Group had many organizations around the world. This was the proof that humans all around the world held great fear towards psykers.

Humans feared one another due to their different skin color in history. For humans to be born with otherworldly strange powers only helped to flame the increasing prejudice and assumptions.

"It's pretty sturdy."

The double doors that secured the defense shelter didn't budge at all through normal means. The soldiers slathered explosive sludge onto the door. They backed away a safe distance and waited for the explosion.

"1, 2, 3."


A dense cloud of dust burst. The door creaked back and forth until it fell flat on the floor.

"Earth belongs to humans. There's no room for monsters like you here!"

A soldier shouted. The rest of the soldiers followed suit and fist pumped into the air.


To the True Group, the existence of Ark was the equivalent to the extinction of the human race.

'What are they trying to do making these super human soldiers? It's already been ten years since dragons had disappeared from the world. There will be no more invasions. Those dirty scammers!'

"If we don't stand up for ourselves, these mutant humans will rule the world. We must fight for the human race!"

The soldiers became drunk in madness. These soldiers were fighting a holy war. This was their chance to destroy the origin of evil, Ark.

"Even if it means sacrificing our own lives…!"

The soldiers decimated the defense shelter door and orderly marched in.

The soldiers decimated the defense shelter door and orderly marched in.

The inside of the defense shelter was shaped like a maze. The inside of the shelter was sealed and dark. The soldiers turned on the nightvision of their helmets.

"Easy team enter the shelter. Next, Delta."


The soldiers moved like one entity. They were all trained military soldiers. They had made up their minds to kill all psykers on sight, whether children or not.


Gun shots sounded. Easy team, who lead the group of soldiers, was actively fighting against those inside. The first years appeared from within the darkness to initiate their counter-attack.

-Remain calm. They're armed with only close combat weapons.

Someone screamed. The fully armed soldiers shot their guns ruthlessly toward the first years. Children around the age of ten fell to the ground one after another. They cried in pain and fear.

"….These are just young children."

An enemy soldier said removing his night vision goggles. His eyes shook. This was just a one sided massacre. They were killing unarmed young children.

"I understand. Private. However, in the future they will become the monsters that rule over our daughters and sons."

"What we're doing is crazy. This is murder! This isn't something humans should be doing. How can you kill children?"

A mid commander sighed. He pulled the trigger to his associate's head.


The soldier faltered with a face full of tears and blood.

"Our future generations will be glad for our decisions today. We must do what we must."

The mid commander said coldly. The other soldiers nodded.

-This is Alpha Team. We've encountered enemies at the back. We're in the middle of battle.

The commander received the message and nodded.

"Understood, Alpha. Kill the enemy."