Xia Sha is that bitch

"Seems like Bright Electronic has flexible working hours. Even the main secretary can go out to hang with a friend in the middle of the day," Father Xia said sarcastically. He does not bother to show his frown as his gaze falls on Ling Guang. 

The cold, mocking smile on Xia Qi Feng's face perfectly mirrors Xia Sha's face. They both look like perfect twins at the moment, talking in sync. 

"Don't blame Ling Guan, dad. He is just considerate. I have not come to the company for three days, that's why he call today and want to take me to the hospital."

Pang Ze Tian quickly learned the situation and knew that she would be on the unfavorable side if Xia Qi Feng still focused on Meng Ran. In a crisis, she let out a loud cry to bring attention back to Xia Xiang.

"Hubby, what about Xia Xiang? Look at her now. We don't know what substance is so hideous that it can turn people's skin into grey. What if Xia Xiang gets skin cancer because of the toxic substances?"

Meng Ran and Xia Xiang's faces turned into horror faces when they heard Pang Ze Tian's words. That's true. What if they got the disease because of the expired sunblock?

Xia Sha rolled her eyes at Pang Ze Tian's exaggerations. 

"Aunty, society will be a mess if you keep making up hoaxes, since you are not a professional, don't self-diagnose," Xia Sha lazily glanced at Xia Xiang and Meng Ran. She laid back on the couch, smiling lazily.

"Moreover, they brought it to themselves. Everybody knows that you should first check the expiry date before using something. Especially, when it belongs to someone else. Even kindergarten kids these days are well aware of this," Xia Sha sneered.

Meng Ran had a pitiful look and kept glancing at Ling Guang, who ignored her because of Xia Qi Feng's sharp gaze. Watchin the nauseating scene, Xia Sha hides her cruel smile, then deliberately spoke sweetly to Ling Guang. 

"Dear, I don't think your secretary can go to work tomorrow. Since you don't have anyone to help you, how about I take her to work temporarily?"

Ling Guang looked at Meng Ran and felt his heart aching for her, but as long as Xia Qi Feng was in the room, there was nothing he could do. 

"No need. You've fallen sick because you have too much workload. How can I add another burden for you?" Ling Guan found the perfect reason to refuse Xia Sha, even appearing considerate and gentle. 

Xia Sha smiled and nodded her head, deliberately raising one of her eyebrows to Meng Ran. 

"Meng Ran, why do you keep standing there? Come sit beside me," Xia Sha said in a questionable friendly manner. 

Meng Ran felt so wronged and bullied by Xia Sha. She looked like trash right now. Her hair was still wet from the bath. Although she wore a nice dress, her skin still looked awful right now. Most of all, she didn't wear any makeup when she rushed to Ling Guang.

If she sat next to Xia Sha, who looked like a decent rich young lady right now, what would Ling Guang think of her?

She shook her head, her hand gripping tightly into her expensive bag.

"I- I still have work left at home, excuse me," she painfully decided to go. 

Xia Sha raised her eyebrow into a beautiful arc.

"Ah, you still have work but spent your time sunbathing in my house?" she kept repeating those points to make Ling Guang feel guilty. Best if he could feel shame. But Xia Sha doubts it. 

Don't want to seat beside her? Fine, she can stand beside her.

"Ling Guang dear, with Meng, Ran looking like this, I don't think she can accompany you to Grandfather Wang's birthday celebration," Xia Sha was hinting for him to ask her to grandfather Wang's banquet.

He has been avoiding bringing her on several occasions claiming that he didn't want to let her drink so much wine. She always thought it was sweet of him. Now Xia Sha had realized how foolish she has been to let him fool her!

Ling Guang looked grim as his face darkened. 

"It's okay, I can go by myself. I don't want you to drink too much," Ling Guang bit the bullet and replied with the same excuse. 

Xia Sha's hands clenched. Even after she made Meng Ran unpresentable, he still refused to take her as his partner.

Just how much this Meng Ran has bewitched Ling Guang ?!

Her face turned ugly as she looked at Meng Ran with hatred.

Xia Qi Feng had enough of the drama. He furrowed his eyebrow and gnashed his teeth, snapping at Ling Guang. 

"Why would my daughter go out with you to such an important event?"

Are you kidding me? If Xia Sha brought you as her partner, I would lose my face, and you will get all the gain. But you still dare to refuse?!

Xia Sha looked at Ling Guang. She admired his audacity to get into her father's nerve.

Xia Qi Feng didn't want to look at Ling Guang's face anymore, so he left the living room in fury. Pang Ze Tian stayed in the living room.

When she was sure that Xia Qi Feng can't hear them again, she screamed "Xia Sha! How could you do this to your sister?"

Pang Ze Tian questioned her with an angry face. Xia Sha folded her hand as she looked down at her.

"Hah, without my father you are nothing. Now my father is gone, you also lost the right to talk to me," Xia Sha arrogantly smiled, defeating Pang Ze Tian with one sentence. 

How was thick Pang Ze Tian's face? Xia Sha will never know. It is astonishing that every time she thinks she had peeled off layers of Pang Ze Tian's shame, there would still be another layer beneath. 

Doesn't she remember that time when Xia Xiang pushed her into the pool and still played the victim card in front of Xia Qi Feng? At that time, Xia Qi Feng scolded Xia Sha and even threatened to punish her heard. 

Xia Sha did not even bother when Xia Qi Feng scolds her. What makes Pang Ze Tian thinks Xia Sha would be afraid of her little questioning?

Ignoring Pang Ze Tian, Xia Sha turned her head to Ling Guang. 

"Dear I have a headache, let's go to the hospital," Xia Sha said and pulled Guan Xian's hand. 

Ling Guang looked at Meng Ran with an unbearable look before he nodded his head. Xia Sha weakly walked to Ling Guang's side and hugged his arm, throwing a provocative look at Meng Ran.

Meng Ran hung her head low trying her best not to cry in front of Xia Sha but acting pitiful enough for Ling Guang to feel his heartache for her. Subconsciously, Meng Ran followed them behind still hanging her head low. Inside her head, she was cursing at Xia Sha for being such a bitch!

Ling Guang holds Xia Sha's shoulder and opens the door for her, meanwhile leaving Meng Ran with an apologizing gaze. Xia Sha's heart ripped apart once again when he saw such a look from Ling Guang.

She gripped the seat below her to prevent herself from ruining everything she has planned. After Ling Guang got inside the car, he threw a fake smile toward Xia Sha before driving to the hospital eventually.