Bitchy Lady Boss

Xia Qi Feng is stubborn. Shen Xia Fei is also stubborn. No one surprised that Xia Sha is even more stubborn.

No matter how hard Xia Qi Feng and Shen Xia Fei tell her to go as Guan Xian date, she is unwilling to agree.

"Forget it, mom, I won't come." Xia Sha frowns and pointed at her leg. "This leg can't be used for standing in the party." She added.

"I say you need to come. How could you let that bastard gain more from leeching our family name?" She Xia Fei almost reaches her limits she glares at father Xia.

Father Xia narrowed his eyes and look at his daughter. "Your mom is right, you need to tell others that we have no relation is Ling guy again."

Xia Sha rolled her eyes and took out her phone. "Then I just need to post it on Wei Xian wall. Telling all my friends I've been dumped by that jerk."

"Forget it, your child never understand how to grab an opportunity." Xia Qi Fei murmured with dissatisfaction.

"Xia Qi Fei! What did you say? Dare say it once again?"

Xia Sha shook her head and ignore her parent's arguments. She opens her Wei Xian and clicks the home page menu.

A post with a picture appears instantly. He felt her heart ripped open once again.

Ling Guang posts a selfie with Meng Ran.

Hello friends, this is your new first lady~ @MengRan

Below, so many people congratulate them. Saying they look good together.

The post below is Meng Ran wearing a hospital dress. Smiling weakly as she rests on Ling Guang's chest.

Finally together, even if I have to wear this hospital dress. I declare that this man is mine~

This time it's Meng Ran posts. Most of her friends are asking her well being and why she ended up in the hospital.

One of her friends, named Qi Qing to post an explanation. Needless to say, she hinted that it's because of Ling Guang's vicious ex-girlfriend.

Xia Sha felt suffocated that she almost forgot to breathe. On the verge of crying, she quickly closes her phone. "Mom, Dad, I want to continue my rest."

She quickly walks away with her injured ankle. Leaving her parent in worry. "Xia Sha, wait, mother, help you go upstairs."

Shen Xia Fei is her mother, after all. Her heartbreak along with Xia Sha when she saw her holding back tears.

Returning to her room, they both seat on the bed. Xia Sha rests under her mother's warm embrace while her back.

"Xia Sha, don't hold back the cry. Cry if it makes you relieved." Her mother soft voice is soothing. Xia Sha hugs her mom tighter.

"I just don't understand. Where did I do wrong?" Xia Sha heard her own voice trembles. That is how hard she is been trying to hold her tears.

"You've done nothing wrong. Cheating in your own choice. Man cheats because they can." Shen Xia Fei kisses Xia Sha's head and smiles gently.

"Hera, the goddess of marriage herself has been cheated by her husband too many times. Turn her into a bitter and vengeful woman."

"Even Hades the most loyal between his brother, cheated twice. Not to mention humans."

"Don't mention your jerk father. Let just look at the Bai family. Your aunty Wen Xi. Such a one package woman and her husband still cheated on her."

Wen Xi is Bai Jing's stepmother. Yes, Bai Jing is an illegitimate daughter from one of Bai Yan's mistress.

Xia Sha remembers aunty Wen Xi. She was as beautiful as a flower. Her face, her voice, her body gesture, and even her step is graceful.

The perfect image of a good housewife. But yet, uncle Bai Yan still cheated on her.

Xia Sha raised her head and stare into her mother's deep hazel eyes. "How can you go through the heartbreak?" She asked in a small voice, almost whispering.

Mother Shen stunned for a second. Then she smiles gently. "Daughter, you should be merry. At least you know the truth before marriage. It's heaven blessing for you."

Xia Sha snuggles for more warmth before she closes her eyes and rests under her mom's warm embrace.

"Blame that Pang Ze Tian and her wicked daughter! Xia Xiang is the one who introduces Meng Ran to Ling Guang." Xia Sha frown and blink rapidly.

Mother Shen shook her head. "What so good about Ling Guang. He can't even succeed without your help. Listen to mother, forget that useless guy, and renew your life."

Xia Sha stunned for a second as she keeps listening to her mother. "Look at you, you are Xia Sha! Shen Xia Fei's daughter. You don't need a man. You are the Queen Bee!" Shen mother says it out loud.

Xia Sha catch the glimpse of the picture from the corner of her eyes. She won the prom, she has everyone's attention. She breaks the heart.

A smug smile appeared on her face. That Ling Guang is damned lucky I love him.

"Alright mom, I know what to do. But I won't go as Guan Xian date." She quickly added before her mom rejoice. Mother Shen nose scrunched but she nods her head.

"As long as you are happy." She grins and hub her baby girl again. "Aiya, such a pity...." She mumbles while thinking about Guan Xian.

"Mom!" Xia Sha cried.


The next day, Xia Sha's leg is almost healed. Look at her reflection in the mirror she was determined to finish everything today.

"Xia Sha, you can do it!" She stares at her own brown eyes and nods firmly.

Today she deliberately uses bloody red lipstick and flawless makeup. Wearing Irishe black suit dress she looks professional, bold, and sexy at the same time.

Jimmy Cho's newest black heels and Valentino studded shoulder bag. Pair that would make every girl cry for.

She humming classical Ludwig piece as she peeks at her house lobby. Eye-catching orange 2018 Acura NSX park there. She calls someone through the phone.

"Wassap babe, do you like my baby Acura?" He asks with confidence. Xia Sha can picture the man wearing a floral shirt and short khaki pants sipping martini on malibu beach.

"Ruan Jing Tian can you be tackier than this?" She rolls her eyes but processing to walk downstair.

Damn, she felt powerful wearing 7 cm Valentino after spraining her ankle.

"Did I hear thank you for helping me? The answer is your welcome." Ruan Jing Tian shamelessly ignores her sarcasm.

"Never thought you will borrow one of my bad boys that you used to look down." He added then let a happy chuckle.

Xia Sha gets inside the car and put on her Bluetooth. "Alright, thank your highness Ruan for his help. How can I repay your kindness?"

She starts her engine and drives the car. "How about two dates and one clubbing night with my pretty Xia Sha. Can I get that?" He asked with his usual flirty tone.

Xia Sha frown then quickly snaps. "Ruan Jing Tian, quickly make your wish when I'm still asking."

"I really want a date with you. Hell woman, I even kidnap a girl for you and you won't even grant my wish." He sounds grumpy. Xia Sha can hear the faint sound of loud EDM music and bass from the car speaker.

"Ruan Jing Tian, it's 8 in the morning and you haven't stepped out from the club?" She asked with an amused tone. As expected from the party boy Ruan Jing Tian.

"Cut if of Sha Sha, you know my schedule." He sounds lazy and a bit unhappy. "Don't divert the topic. I want a date!"

Xia Sha pursed her lips and roll her eyes. "Ruan Jing Tian, you finally give up on Xiao Ni and try to hit me instead. Are you crazy?"

She sounds a bit offended. This crazy man is one of Xiao Ni's hard-line fanboy. Even after rejected, beaten by Guan Xian, and blocked from Wei Xian. He still unable to move on.

Ruan Jing Tian let a lough sigh, dispirited. "Sigh. That is the past, we can have a bright future why should we dwell on the past." He reasons out.

Xia Sha knows he must be sad when he found out Xiao Ni officially Wang Kai's girlfriend.

In the past, no matter how good the man Xiao Ni's date Ruan Jing Tian sill stand a chance. Even when Chen Luo rumored to date Xiao Ni.

But Wang Kai? That man is a wholly different level. Like the last Boss on survival games.

Ruan Jing Tian dare not to provoke him.

"So after being dumped, I become your side chick?" Xia Sha said sarcastically. Her nice eyebrow arched high.

"Thank you, but no."

Ruan Jing Tian groaned then sulked. "Xia Sha you heartless woman. You just break my vulnerable heart again!"

Xia Sha laughed then finally agree to compromise. "I'll treat you to fancy dinner twice. But no date."

"Deal, two dinner treat and one clubbing night. I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" He quickly cut the call before Xia Sha makes another offer that makes him lose even more benefit.

Xia Sha smiles and removes the Bluetooth earpiece. Thankfully she knew Ruan Jing Tian.

When everybody looks down on her for choosing Ling Guang as her boyfriend. Ruan Jing Tian didn't look down on her. She lost friends but Ruan Jing Tian remains there.

Alongside with Zheng Shuang and Lee Kai Xin. But she drove them away when they only tell her the truth about Ling Guang.

Hah, she needs to apologize to her girls later.

She droves to a bright electronic company with a faint smile. Enough sulking, break up is a blessing.

She arrived at 08.45 sharp.

The orange sports car look very eye-catching on the road. She deliberately stops on the lobby entry.

Xia Sha gathered all the courage and energy to step down from the car with a confident smile.

She simply enchanted every pair of eyes to look and envy her. Hanging a little smirk she enters the lobby.

"Wah, thank you for your surprise." She commented sarcastically as she sees Ling Guang carrying a bouquet of rose.

Her Jimmy Cho clicking and echoing on the cold marble floor. Ling Guang's eyes never leave her body since she enters.

She glances at Meng Ran who looks pathetic standing beside her. But she must praise her make up skill.

There is not even a trace of a bruise on her pretty face. However, the amount of power in her face makes Xia Sha worried. Too much that her face might falk to the ground.

Forget it, forget it. That is not a problem.

Without any doubt, she approaches the couple who looks like celebrating their love in the office lobby.

Staring at Ling Guang confused face and Meng Ran little fake innocent eyes she sneers. With a swift move, she grabs the bouquet from Ling Guang's hand.

People who watching them gasp, some of them can't close their mouths. Xia Sha smiles.

Yes, that is exactly what I expect. She comes to give this office a lot of fun.

"Xia Sha that bouquet is not..." Ling Guang hasn't finished his sentence when he heard Xia Sha said thank you.

He frowns. He thought he has made it clear. They break up and he wanted to date Meng Ran openly.

Meng Ran looks sad and weak. The only thing that white lotus can do. Xia Sha's mouth quirks up as she smells the rose.

"Ling Guang this rose is clearly not fresh from the soil." Her forehead shows a line as she distances herself from the rose.

She looks at Meng Ran who now looks down upon the floor. "Since it can't reach my standard then..."

She glances at Meng Ran, who subconsciously looked up after feeling Xia Sha's piercing gaze. "Since the rose didn't worth me, I'll kindly give it to you."

She throws the rose on Meng Ran's feet and smiles. Meng Ran clench her teeth, her hand curled into a fist. She is so angry that her knuckles turn white.

"Xia Sha! You are too much. Didn't we make it clear that night? You and I were over." Ling Guang flare-up.

Dare she humiliates him and Meng Ran at their employer's eyes. He is the Founder and Owner, where's dignity Xia Sha left for him?

Xia Sha smile wryly, she indifferently tucks her lose baby hair behind her ears. She looks gamine and gorgeous. "Ah, that night when you hurt me for this bitch."

"Xia Sha! You are too much. You know along Guang love me and not you. Don't blame me why, please reflect why he chooses me over you." This is the first time Xia Sha see Meng Ran talk back to her.

Xia Sha shows a scornful smile before she starts to chuckles. "Me, reflect?"

Meng Ran bites her lips before she nods her head. Just before Xia Sha answer Meng Ran, Ling Guang protects her princess.

"Meng Ran is right. She did nothing apart from doing her job. I fell out of love from you a long time ago." Ling Guang said with a deep hoarse voice. Big enough for everyone to learn.

Xia Sha slightly nods her head. She looked at timid Meng Ran then walk to her.

They look bewildered. Ling Guang instantly grabs Meng Ran's hand and hide her from Xia Sha. He was treating her like she is a dangerous beast.

Xia Sha's heart turns cold. But his heart turns colder plus with losing her face when he saw Xia Sha sitting on the sofa near the receptionist table.

Perfectly in the middle of the foyer.

"Care to tell me what makes you fall out of love?" Her red lips grab too much attention. Even Ling Guang starts to lose his focus for staring too much at her lips.

Ling Guang felt Xia Sha has trampled his pride and dignity. "Because you are too arrogant. Look down at others just because you born in a rich family."

Needless to say, he felt inferior standing beside her. That time, he turns to Meng Ran who is weak and needs help. Hearing this cheater said honest thing for once in awhile it's quite refreshing. 

Xia Sha red lips pressed together in a thin line. "Acceptable. Indeed it was difficult for a man who always wants to be superior from a woman."

This is fucking 20 centuries. Women stand beside men, not behind. With Ling Guang life value, they will clash for sure.

Xia Sha smile hiding the unspeakable pain on her hollow chest. "Alright, everybody heard what your chairman Ling said."

She slowly stares at the employee who secretly supports Meng Ran and bad-mouthing her.

She laughs at herself. Xia Sha, what are you doing here? Nurturing this ungrateful company.

"Frankly speaking Mr.Ling, I can't work here anymore since we broke up. Watching you choose this slut over me is the biggest humiliation." She spares a cold glare at the infidelity couple.

Ling Guang of course agrees with Xia Sha. He also has enough of her. No one will see his real talent if Xia Sha reminds in Bright Electronic.

Xia Sha pulls out something from her bag. A white envelope with a letter written outside. She waves it in the air to show everyone. She places it on the receptionist table show a graceful smile.

"Please accept my resignation letter, Chairman Ling."

Ling Guang almost didn't believe his own eyes. He thought she would still throw a fuss and grab a chance to work here. So she can gran his attention again.

But with her pride, of course, she won't do that. Ling Guang smirks.

This is the best way. Since she won't work here anymore, he didn't have to hide their plan for the acquisition of Xia's company anymore.

This time he will show people how the Xia family destroyed under his hand.

"Resignation accepted. Xia Sha is no longer working under Bright Electronic Company, starting from today." Ling Guang informs with a smile blossom from her face.

The little white lotus Meng Ran also can't hold back her smile. Finally, finally, she becomes the official lady of this company.

Ling Guang probably felt a bit guilty let a low cough twice. "Your shares, I will buy it at the highest price. Sell it to me."

Xia Sha must be blind. How the hell this man can felt guilty for tarnishing their years of relationship.

A cheating man is a dog. She suddenly chuckles as she remembers Guan Xian's dumb face.

Xia Sha spares no glance at Ling Guang and Meng Ran. She indifferently looks at her letter as she answers. "No need, just like you say. I came from a rich family. I don't need your money."

She invests not only money but also blood, sweat, and tears here. She accompanied him to the glory and he tossed her away just like this.

Xia Sha looks at the cruel couple in front of her. She almost breaks and wants to cry. She looks down to the floor, stares at her blurry reflection.

She is Xia Sha. She is Xia Sha.

No one can bully her, not even herself. In elegant movement, she looked up at the couple. "Then thank you for your efficiency Mr.Ling. Everyone, please clap for the new couple." She said with a cold stiff face.

Everybody could not believe there eyes and ears.

What? She wants them to clap for Meng Ran and Ling Guang?

The forever vengeful Xia Sha that always find a way to hurt Meng Ran, gives her blessing to her?

They must be dreaming. Might as well believe money grows on a tree.

"Please congratulate Ms.Meng too. To successfully become a third party. With that everyone, I'm off from this hell." Xia Sha stood up and take her shades out from her bag.

She walks away like a bitch lady boss she is.


All ber present and mask broke when she is alone. Her eyes were red as she holds on to the steering wheel tightly.

No crying. No crying. You promised yourself not to cry for that man.

She drives the car away from the damned place without destination. She just wants to drive her sorrow away.

Totally unaware that she has her cheeks all over again.

She only stops driving when her phone ring. Wipe away the tears she parks and reach her cellphone.

6 miss call from Ruan Jing Tian

5 miss call from Zheng Shuang

7 miss call from Lee Kai Xin

Her eyebrow quickly raised when once again Zheng Shuang call her. Her slim delicate finger move to answer her call.


"XIA SHA! Are you okay?" Zheng Shuang's panic voice almost turns her deaf. Xia Sha distance her phone, waiting for Zheng Shuang to finish her line.

"I'm okay. You know already?" She asked with an awkward voice. Zheng Shuang and Kai Xin have numerous times tell her to dump Ling Guang.

Last time, they even go as far as sending her picture of Meng Ran and Ling Guang hugging.

That time, she refuses to believe. "I believe Ling Guang would never cheat on me. Moreover with Meng Ran. Must be some misunderstanding behind."

Even after Zheng Shuang and Kai Xin frustrated confrontation. She decided to deceive herself. Believing Ling Guang's bullshit.

"Meng Ran almost fall. I'm just helping. Your friend just doesn't like me and want you to leave me."

The fool Xia Sha believes him and leaves her closest friend. Xia Sha wakes up from her thought when she heard Zheng Shuang worried voice.

"It's all over Weibo, how could we don't know."

"Weibo? But I'm not a public figure..." Xia Sha hear felt uneasy.

"Xia Sha... There is an article and picture bullying Meng Ran. They even post a video claiming you kidnap Meng Ran to kill her."

"What? Video?"